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Just put up colored LED holiday lights outside...yuck.

15 years ago

I dislike them very much. They are very bright, so bright it's hard to look straight at them, but not bright in a cheerful way, unless one finds stoplights or police car lights cheery. The colors have no warmth to them at all.

I was all set to be green with my holiday lights and now I just want to rip them all down and replace them with the usual strands of electricity hogs. I know that incandescents are being phased out in the next few years but if my future is fluorescent inside and LED outside, well, this really depresses me.

At Bachman's I was checking out the pre-lit trees and this year they are all white LED lights. Garishly bright cold light. If I bought one I would have to channel Martha Stewart and make little tissue paper covers for every bulb just to give a warmer softness and tone down the Night of a Thousand Pen Flashlights look.

Is anyone else having issues with the look of the holiday LEDs? Does anyone have them up and LIKE them? If so, where did you get your lights and what colors are they?


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