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why are handmade oil paintings so cheap today? (part 1)

12 years ago

In many of small villages of south-east China, there is a new industry emerging: oil painting. The should-be artistic and noble profession has been transformed into another labor-intense business, and often times in sweat-shop kind of environment.

Smart business owners have figured out a way to de-compose the complicated drawing process into thousand of simple steps. The use the modern computer technology to grid a painting with high resolution and then code the each grid with the color numbers. They hire workers - who are mostly from the country side of poor provinces but have a talent of drawing - to product the drawing in a flow-chain-like workshop, just like what Henry Ford did 100+ years ago in Ford.

Due to each work is only painting a few dots and repeat, the efficiency can be very high. In this way they can massively re-produce complicated oil paintings very fast, which, as a consequence, drastically bring down the costs.

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