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What does this room need?

14 years ago

I haven't posted much for awhile but have been checking in often. You all still have huge talent going on. I am redoing my FR and it needs something to make it feel cozier. I have a rug ordered.

What is missing or wrong?


I do appreciate your help.


Comments (57)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Please tell me about your upholstered furniture. Absolutely LOVE it and it would work great in my space.

    Here are what I would PERSONALLY change if that lovely room was my house. Note that this kind of "individual taste" adjustments. So if this is not to your taste, please ignore!

    I would remove both items on the coffee table. I also don't care much for the burgundy aladdin's lamp item on the left endtable. For the coffee table, I would add a large flat basket/tray that would serve as a drinks/snacks area when using the space and you had a drink. I would also maybe add several magazines or books if you read, stacked neatly on the coffee table (because you can also put a drink on top of the magazine) I think the items on it now are a bit sterile and look impersonal. Other options would be a cut flowers (real) or small flowering plant (real).

    For some reason, I don't like the burgundy lamp on the right end table, even though I understand that you are trying to distribute a bit of that color around the room. I love all the other lamps. Could you find a tall/skinny lamp from another room there and see how that would look instead?

    I would add some framed family snapshots in similar color frames on the buffet piece. The spode plates you mentioned would look niece on that wall, or also over next to the armoire/reading chair.

    I would eliminate the throw pillows that you have now on the sofain place of less formal ones. *but I like them very much...would they work in another room like a bedroom, or mixed with some low-country style ones. I also think that while 1 is good, using 2 makes it look too matchy-matchy, so I do like the one on the reading chair.

    I would add some different pillows that accent your rug, and also consider a large basket with 3 large floor pillows for additional"seating"

    I love the colors and the room. And you have the good basics in there to layer up Right now, I think it looks to much like it's been staged, and needs more personality.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    First, I need to say that I love your room and your furniture. I can't wait to see this room when you get your rug in - I think that will help warm it up a lot. I also like the idea of less formal pillows and a throw or two.

    Other than that, I think that your decorative accessories are currently very formal. You know, things look breakable. I would swap out some of your current stuff for homier things - a basket, a candle, maybe some family photos in interesting frames (not too formal).

    I really don't think you have far to go to get the look you want. You're almost there.

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    I like both of the blue paint colors, they read "masculine" and really bring out the deep jewel tones in the rug. I'm partial to the first one but I'm not sure what they look like IRL, of course. Sorry, I don't see warm tones, or pillows, or baby pictures in this room. I think a stripe in navy blue, hunter green and/or burgundy might be nice for the drapes. I think the hunting prints would be a more interesting grouping if they included one or two matted prints, maybe an old sepia tone, to change things up. I'm racking my brain trying to remember where I saw it, but a pair of round footstool/coffee tables would be more useful and practical than one of either IMO. Ditch the drapes, and the wrought iron piece (love the art poster idea). I'm not sure about the chandelier, I think I would use ivory shades. Maybe a dart game, with the appropriate cork-lined case that would open to protect the walls. A cigar cutter and ashtray on the end table. Brandy snifters and cognac on the bar. I would want a (pocket?) door installed, so that I didn't have to be disturbed by the lions den goings on, that's just me. If the man reads, he'll want a better lamp and a sturdy bookshelf, if he's a music lover, he'll need space for a stereo too.
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    What does this room need?!


    Comments (35)
    Trying to stay in the boundaries of keeping everything that's there... and I'm just thinking out loud here... Agree with previous poster on "feel" of the mirror frame. It looks silver, and silver isn't going to work in that room. It also seems a little small for something above that massive couch. At the same time, the sconces seem to be spaced too far from the mirror. Could you reframe the mirror with a more substantial & darker trim? I would try to add some visual weight to the sconces. How to do this without being cheesy... not a strength of mine. :) Maybe some "formal" feeling greenery (e.g. ivy) tucked around the sconces? Mayeb trim out & paint "accent" squares on the wall to sort of emphasize them? I would angle the couch slightly (making the "unused" corner where the side table is). I would move the taller lamp behind the sofa. Then I would add 1 or 2 chairs, maybe one between the windows, and another on the stair wall, angled in toward each other & facing the sofa. Is that even doable? I get no sense of your avaialble space... I would do something to add some color. The monochromatic bronze tones are (IMO) really contributing to a sense of stark formality.
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    What does this room need?


    Comments (1)
    Nice room. A console table under the art on left wall. Curtains on the sliding door. End tables with lamps. Art over the sofa. Some accent pillows. That would be a great start.
    ...See More
  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Another one who loves your room and furniture. As someone said earlier, overall the room looks formal though and breakable. Good ideas so far on possible changes. Do you remember where you purchased your coffee table? I agree with whoever said there were too many legs on that one side of the room.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Not loving the Queen Ann side table and mirror with the rest of your room. That is one formal looking piece; doesn't look "cozy". Can you swap places with the red chair and the upholstered chair? Seem a bit "heavy" on that side with the Queen Ann table. Also I don't think the lamps are working. I think you need something taller. Please post again when you put the rug down; that should make a big difference.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LOVE it! Lots of WOW! The large picture is gorgeous!

    Yes to the throw, yes to more pillows, yes to a serving tray....maybe on the ottoman? Then the silver vase on the floor...a wicker basket would be a nice touch...maybe put magazines in it? Maybe 2 little dark wood shelves hung on the wall behind the red lamp?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love Julie's suggestions. I have to disagree with table runners in your room or a quilt - that would look much too country with your decor.

    After reading Gracie's response, I went back and looked at the pix again. I tend to agree on the queen anne table.

    Pattern is missing from your room and hopefully the rug will add alot of that. New pillows will also.

    I like the nesting tables and that black box on the coffee table. I, too would love to see your fireplace/mantel.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Great suggestions so far...I agree with the ottoman, throw, rug and softening the accents. However, your room is beautiful and inviting.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love your furniture! Your sofa is very pretty, your chairs are exquisite. Your coffee table is lovely. Love the little tray tables. Love it all! You have great taste!

    I agree with Larke about the art over the sofa. That was the only thing that jumped out at me as "wrong." You seem to want something else there yourself. Something that seems old world, with rich colors & a beautiful frame would be nice!

    Also, I agree with Les that the very large lamp to the left seems a bit bulky. Your other lamps seem more in scale with your furnishings. I like the height of it, but it seems too clunky & shapeless for the elegant style you have going in there. So, you're replacing that too. Great. Love her idea of a skirted table in there. Very nice!

    The room, btw, looks very comfy to me! Yes, a bit formal, but I don't think you need uber-casual furniture to be comfy. Personally, *I* am more comfortable in beautiful surroundings that stimulate my imagination than I am in super casual settings that seem almost "generic den" if you know what I mean. Your room has your personal stamp on it, & as you add accessories it will only get more personal & feel like "you" all the more. I love that.

    The ideas of bringing in a few pillows with some of that beautiful red you have in the room, & draping a cozy, sumptuous throw over that gorgeous chair sounds marvelous.

    Wait until you get your rug! You will love your room then! A rug + one piece of new artwork + pillows + new lamp + throw = Perfect room! I think it will be fun to shop for these little extras.

    Great job! Please post pics when you get your rug!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Very pretty room! I love your armoire. I agree with everyone else about getting some more fabric in pillows and throws to cozy up the room. I also agree with Tina: the quilt/runners are too country for your room. If you ever visit Target, check their faux fur throws. They have them seasonally in colors like brown, black, andd leopard. I could see the leopard one in your room. They're really warm in the winter yet lighweight, and wash beautifully. I had to buy several because DH and I fought over it, and he also wanted one for the bedroom. My mom, who has Alzheimers, loves hers like a "blanky". And they're only about $30 at regular price. (They don't look cheesy at all like you'd expect.)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I agree your furniture is very formal. Are you going to keep the sofa or completely change the room?

    Your house is old, no? I love your beaming hardwoods.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Beautiful room! As an artist, my first item was the picture over the sofa. It is framed too large. The white mat is over powering the wonderful painting. I would have it reframed and placed elsewhere. For the large frame, find another colorful painting to fit and hang over the sofa.

    Softer elements as mentioned by above posters will help cozy up the room which is a bit formal right now. I would also remove the vase of flowers that sits in the floor near the armoire.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Perky, I think your room is beautiful, and I hope you post a photo of the rug that you have on order. If your taste is classic (and I'm guessing it is, based on this room), then it may be the B&W photography that is the problem -- as gorgeous as the photo is. OTOH, it may be the framing of the artwork that is the problem. I'm a lousy framer, but something about the way that piece is framed feels wrong -- maybe the frame is too wide, or the mat color wrong. I've had framers tell me that the white of the mat should never be brighter than the white in a piece of art.

    Alternatively, if you want to lessen the formality of the room, maybe consider choice and placement of accessories. However beautiful, when accessories are placed in conventional locations, it can appear staid. For example, I love the mirror over the console table, in part because I recognize it as a classic pairing. You could place your B&W artwork over the console table, and it would feel less conventional, but hardly 'out there'. Maybe bring back the tall gold lamp (which I love), and place on end table near the console table. I see a bit of a curvy wooden-trim chair from what appears to be the foyer. Maybe try that instead of the other red wood-trim chair.

    You would then need something on the sofa wall to pull things together. Rather than another large artwork, perhaps a pair of screens behind the end tables. That's a classic look, but with lots of options: carved wood, upholstered, painted, canvas for hanging smaller art, etc.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    gwbr54, I read all the responses just to see if anyone mentioned the mat on the photo. That piece is gorgeous and I would totally leave it in the room right where it is, but the matting is all wrong. That was the first thing that I noticed. I would suggest taking it to a professional to have it re-done. Maybe take in some of your color swatches so they can see what you've got going on in the room...I have no idea if this is how things operate in the framing world, but it makes sense to me. I love your room and the ideas suggested will make it a bit more welcoming.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I know I'm obsessed--I'd swap out those bright white switchplates on all your walls. They stick out, as I frequently observe, like pimples on a pretty girl.

    I like the room, and it looks cozy enough to me, but I'd add a rug (maybe a really big needlepointed one or a kilim) and some throw pillows, and then something that's way out of left field. The room's a bit safe, right now, and if you've got some big weird piece of art--folk art, African sculpture (both can be fakes, I just want the look), a huge shell or old French horn--something bolder than you have now.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I don't think I chose right mat color, but at least you can see that you look more at the art, rather than the mat, when the mat is not so bright white.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It's the painting over the sofa! I agree with you and others who've commented about it. You have a beautiful, rich, fairly traditional and colorful room, but this picture wants to be somewhere else. The frame is too dark and heavy and the mat is too wide and white. The effect is, to me, of something looming over the room. I understand the expense and emotion of acquiring a piece that you love, but I also think that a picture can make or break a room.

    I wonder if you would consider hanging a colorful *English* landscape there, or something from the Hudson River Valley School (although some of those can be rather ominous, but others are easy on the eyes). Those paintings can be gentle and delicately painted, very appropriate in a room that has such classic touches as your Stafforshire dogs. If you google John Constable or the HRV School, you'll find a great selection - perhaps look for something with a touch of red. If you do look at other pictures, consider something that has a path or stream or road that begins at the bottom of the painting and winds and narrows into the scene - it will give automatic depth and put the viewer into the place.

    Otherwise I love your room - the small elegant "collectibles", the lovely reading corner by the glass doors, the well thought-out placement of everything. I'd love to curl up on that sofa!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I like the painting, but think it is too tall for over the sofa. I would rather see it where the mirror is.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think curtains (or fabric window treatments of some kind) would do wonders if "cozy" is your goal. To me, bare windows epitomize uncozy!

    Something with pattern that pulls in your red and gold, billowed over a pull-back.

    The colors of the artwork don't seem to work with the rest of the room. When I first saw it I thought it was a black & white photo. I would put something bold there, that can hold its own against the red upholstery & lamp.

    The small picture above the chair - since the furniture line is so much taller than the top of that picture, it's making my eyes think there's something missing. Do you have something a bit smaller than that pic that you could put above it, keeping a consistent eye line around the room?

    I would maybe move the black pillow to the brown chair, angled to the right. The table behind that chair is very right heavy, and I think that pillow to the left might help balance it. I would add a throw on the couch or a set of throw pillows smaller than the ones already there to either side (layered in front of what's there).

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow thank you ALL for your comments and suggestions.
    Loribee thank for your kind words and suggestions. Per our request Here is the rug.

    Thank you :) the Sofa is Hickory Chair and the Chairs are made by Century. They are drop dead comfy and cushie. I have NO talent so I went safe with the color. The owner of the shop and her husband are the the nicest couple you would ever want to meet. Love your suggestions and have already added the magazines to the coffee table. Looking around for the right pictures frames and agree about the pillows.

    STBonner: Thank you - your comments are on target - I need to bring in some personal touches.

    ctlane: I believe the coffe table made by Stanley? I can find out for sure. I got everything at the same shop. I appreciate your comments.

    gracie01: LOL "Not loving the Queen Ann side table..."
    I do love that Queen Ann table - when they delivered it they brought another - less formal one for me to try - I sent it back and welcomed the Queen Ann to my home!

    I tried swapping places with the red chair and the upholstered chair, it really didn't work. And the lamps I am having trouble with. I am hoping the rug will help decide lamps - lamps are hard!

    Here is the buffet we tried as an alternate:

    nicole, vampiresrn, & tina - thanks!Serving tray and wiker basket - great idea.

    stinkey-gardner - wow - you are so kind - thank you. I love your comments and the permission to feel comfy in a more formal look. There needs to be a balance of the two for me. The lamp checked out yesterday - it really didn't work.

    dee - thanks for your comments. I'll check out target's throws. I love the armoire too - lol, the thing weighs about 600 lbs and is a solid, forever peice. It scared me when it got home and nothing was in the room - it was so too much.

    newdawn - yep keeping that sofa and sleeping on it - propping my feet up on it - etc. It is home. I fell in love with it in the store after sitting on a boat load of comfy looking, uncomfortable sitting sofas. Thanks - I like the floors too - the house is 15-years old.

    calirose: THANK YOU! The vase of flowers on the floor is gone. Ya, something isn't working on the picture/art.

    gwbr54 and bleigh: thanks for your comments - there is a loud echo about the art over the sofa being too white in the mat. The curvey chair is in the breakfast nook and is a dining room type chair. gebr - WOW - thanks for the mockup! What a difference the mat makes! You were so sweet to do that. I am thinking that picture might work in my DR where the windows look out over big oak trees.

    idfixe: I totally agree with you on the light plates. Do you know of a good place to shop for them that won't break the bank? They do stand out there don't they? :)

    sable ca - come on over and curl up - I promise you comfort on that sofa! Oh man you have messed up my schedule with your suggestions to google - OMG - beautiful art! Thanks - I do tend to love that style - just art that warms the heart!

    avesmor: Thanks for your suggestions. We are talking about window treatments but I love the light that comes in from the back windows - sorta being outside while out of the heat.

    I didn't post a picture of the extreme corner next to the fireplace but there is a brown leather recliner there that hubby is glued to right now so the picture of that space will have to wait. I haven't started on that corner yet.

    So, thanks all! I will be looking for pillows, throws and lamps. Magazines are on the coffee table and I am pulling out family photos.

    You are an amazing bunch!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If you have any leftover paint, you can paint the switch plates to blend in with the wall. Would put on some sort of glaze finish to protect them from chipping. Maybe someone else has an appropriate technique for this?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I googled - painting switch plate covers. I do have left over paint - when my company is gone - I'll give it a try! Thanks.

    Here is a link that might be useful: painting switch plate covers

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Perky...that rug is going to be stunning in your room!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The rug is beautiful. It's going to make a huge difference. I can't wait to see pictures of the the room after you get the rug in.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    loribee - thanks! I am hoping it is the answer. I LOVE YOUR room - do you think this room has the potential to feel as warm as your home? I went back and looked at your thread several times, I am now rethinking window treatments. Your art helps the warmth of your room. I just adore everything about your room.

    I am asking for honest opinions about the rug for my space- is it right?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Seriously??? Your room is beautiful!
    The rug will cozy the room right up. Drapes too, but then again, I'm a drape person. Do you like anything like this? The ivory drapes seem to have tan/gold medallions...

    Here is a link that might be useful: JCP drapes

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Or....these drapes in the creamy vanilla stripe maybe???

    Here is a link that might be useful: creamy vanilla stripe drapes

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow, love that new buffet!!! Works much better in this room. Can you hang the picture over it? Also for lamps: I envision something with a slim black base.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think you said the buffet in the last picture was not the one you kept. But it looks perfect for my DR! Would you mind telling us the manufacturer?

    I love the room, and can only echo the other good advice and praise you've gotten. If the picture can go in the DR, that would be good. Framing is so expensive, but it shouldn't be too bad to have just the mat redone for now.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    andee, I was back at the furniture store yesterday and asked about the buffet that I sent back. It was made by Stanley and is a discontinued item. It is marked down about 60% since it is discontinued. Sorry it took so long to answer.

    My rug is in the store and will be delivered Wed. so I was back in to look at some items suggested by everyone, pillows, etc.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love your red chair! I would probably change out the throw pillows and bring that red to the sofa with pillows. Also, a tall green plant might add warmth, esp next to the red lamp to hide the sockets and cord. The picture above the sofa might be a little Maybe some kind of metallic wall art hanging would be exciting there?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Rug is great. Picture is fine. It's the formal dark wood frame that's throwing us off. Something a bit lighter in feel would work better. Looking at where tv is, I think Les might be right. Sofa opposite tv unit on one side of fireplace with the two chairs flanking the other side would be a better arrangement. Then add accessories. Find some fun things. Books on the table. Some large pillows to pick up the red. A throw. How about swapping out the formal coffee table for something a bit less formal and more easy going? A distressed wood and metal? Glass topped? Also I'd make it bigger. The scale makes it look formal also. Bring in some less formal lamps. A lantern? Something in copper? How about a large hanging textile on the walls? Something asian since you obviously like that look? How about a red chinese style end table? Something that looks antique? all that will help cozy it up. What about some glass or ceramic vases with flowers? Even without flowers?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    sorry - I think I have some duplicates - can you edit after posting?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    There's no edit feature. No worries about the duplicates.

    I really like the warmth the rug added.

    I like the new lamp and think it helps to tie in the large picture better.

    Where did you get those little landscape pics? Love them.

    I think the room looks great!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Stunning...really beautiful!
    Love the rug, it really DOES cozy the room up! Love the lamps & various pillows too!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    thank sheesharee - The landscape pictures are oils from the furniture store and have prestige pictures on the back. I have been following your thread and loving your changes!

    Thanks loribee. I still keep going back for peeks of your cozy room....

    I played with the pictures by putting a table there and flowers under it ???

    Does the buffet look better with two lamps vs the urn?

    I do love the frame on the picture -

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh, the rug made a huge difference! Beautiful!

    I have one minor issue in looking at the latest pics. This may seem silly, but I hate looking at the back side of a picture frame. On the side table next to the beige chair, you have a framed pic that you can see the back of from the dining room... can it be placed somewhere else? Even from the front, it looks sort of random sitting there. Maybe add it to one of the other tables that already has 1-2 other items on it.

    I do think, as at least one other person has mentioned, you need a few more "personal effects" in the room. It is a beautiful room, but it feels sort of like a showroom, not a real family's room. Maybe if you do place a small bookcase where that little desk is in the corner, you can add some other small framed pics, obviously some books, etc.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow!!! Really lovely. The only thing I would change would be the artwork over the sofa. It has a modern look rather than a traditional look like the rest of the room. Also I think its like was said before - too visually heavy and probably too large. Other than that this room knocks my socks off!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Your room is beautiful! I love the red and gold accents, as well as the new rug. You added everything I was
    going to suggest, I love black shades for the glow
    they give a room, the blue and white is a nice
    combination change on the mantle; you could add another
    blue and white jar someplace else in the room, the green
    plant adds alot as well, maybe a blue/white planter,
    the only other items I would add in would be wicker or
    bamboo accents. Maybe wicker baskets by the entertainment center or hearth or even under you side buffet.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I still think that the picure above the sofa doesn't work. Its too black and white. You need something warmer up there. The room looks lovely now.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Looks beautiful. The rug is the perfect finishing touch. I was going to respond last night suggesting you needed matching lamps below your pictures, but I have symmetry issues and didn't want to visit them on you. :)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Like the two matching lamps on the buffet. Could the urn be used on the mantel or below it?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for showing a close up of the paintings.

    Do you still have the red chair in the room with the little table below those paintings? I like it there but am trying to picture what the area looks like from a distance.

    I like the lamps on the buffet but love the urn and think you should use it somewhere in there.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I absolutely love the art above the sofa. It's a gorgeous piece, and you have many floral/botanical touches in the room, so seems perfect to me. I suspect that in person it has a lot of depth and shading.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    looking beautiful!

    some of my comments would be:
    i really like the lamp with the black shade in the room!

    i don't like the 2 lamps on the buffet...i much prefer the urn. i also do not like the 2 pictures on either side of the mirror above the buffet. i would perhaps look at larger rectangular mirrors for that area_wider than tall...

    i love the rug!

    i think i would prefer the small table under the landscape prints without the flowers...liked the red chair there tho...can't tell if you moved it.

    i would try to corral the wiring that shows behind the armoire and tack them up behind the piece.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    suebe, LOL - my husband said the same thing about the picture this morning I didn't listen to him but after reading your post, I moved the picture. And your right - I need to personalize the room more. I am still thinking about Les's suggestion about a fabric covered table between the couch and chair near the buffet console.

    Thanks Katrina and powermuffin - for your words. Still thinking about that picture over the sofa.

    enailes: I love the idea of wicker, especially under the side buffet - I googled sideboards and actually saw a couple of pitures with baskets complimenting the sideboards. Going shopping Saturday.

    deeinohio and walnutcreek, funny - me too with the symetry issues - the lamp is still there but, hubby is telling me to please put it back where it was and to put the urn back where it was. I did put the urn at the base of the fireplace and it looks good to me.

    shee - thanks and you are welcome about the pitures and yes I did leave the red chair where it was.

    kkay - thanks - the picture! - IRL the picture looks much better, as you said. That's the reason it is still there - but still under consideration. It looks so very different in photos than when you are actually in the room. I appreciate you bringing that up.

    busybee: Thank you! Now that black lamp is one if my favs. My hubby called you about the lamps on the buffet - right? How much did he pay you? lol. The lamp will probably move.

    I moved the flowers from the little table under the pictures. The red chair is still there. Oh those wires! The ET actually has a place to put all those wires - we have just been lazy about it and need to put them on the inside shelf.

    Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's a few of my inspiration pictures for console tables. I think some metal lanterns would add another element to your room.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have not read through . . .I think I would remat the art with the trees-- and make the matting a red to go with the lamp/chair. Or-- change the frame to a more reddish frame. To my eye, there is too much white space around it.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    deeinohio! Thanks - you know - I have two latterns I could try. I love your inspiration photos - thank you.

    anele - that matting is up for discussion at home. That picture may migrate to the DR.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Excellent choice on the rug, that made a considerable improvement. It is looking much warmer and more homey in there.