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Back Yard Water Feature Beginnings

16 years ago

Yep - after FLAG planted the idea in my head, I could hardly wait to acquire the parts. Visit to the surplus store got the sink, and my friend Becky gave me the old chandelier. This w/be near the toidy planter, all gussied up w/shards. Am thinking I'll incorporate it w/a half-circle reservoir to hold the water/pump, which will flow from the faucet. Over this w/be another mirror on the wall mosaic, and between the two w/hang from the eave a chandelier wired for outside. 'course this can't be started b/f I START cleaning house for next week's house guests, DD and Marty, her fiance. SOMEBODY, PLEASE HOLD MY HORSES BACK. DON'T START MY ENGINE!!!!

Water Feature Parts

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