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Disrepsectful teenager and ADD - need advice

16 years ago

I have just become a member in search of some advice. I am the Significant Other of a divorced, full-time Dad (BD) with a disrespectful teenager. WoW! Does that surprise most adults these days? The problem is that it is getting worse and it tears me to pcs to see the two of them struggle in their own battles. The BM does not want anything to do with the child except to see him on Bdays or Christmas and often cancels on promised dates. Yes, there is resentment from the child because his mother walked out of the family for another man 7 yrs ago, when he was 11. The BD has struggled with the teen's behavior for many years and we are all at a roadblock as to how to get our new family on a happy note again.

The child/teenager is turning 18 next month and thinks that he knows better than ANY adult (BD, BM, Me, teachers, even the police). He has ADD and is on meds that are working pretty well but he has started having extreme outburst and disrespect for any adult because he now sees himself as an adult but does not act like one.

BD and son have been to counseling but the son won't talk to the counselor (who specializes in ADD children). But the BD continues to go and is learning "coping skills". The son has failed 2 yrs in school and only by our helping him with summer school (and I mean constantly sitting with him and reviewing his work) did he pass this year. He is a Jr in HS and still doesn't have a Driver's License because he won't take the time to read and understand the driving manual. BD is able and ready to purchase a car anytime that he is legally ready to drive AND responsible enough to do so.

BD is very loving to his son, and to me as well, and looks to me for advice. I have never had children and often am at a loss of how to help other than be there to listen to the both of them.

Unfortunately, the son consistently lies about his grades and when this comes to light through IEP meetings, progress reports, report cards, etc. he becomes very defensive and always has excuses of why it is someone else's fault. He even allowed another student to change his report card last year so that he could attend a special event. Only after a very embarrassing IEP meeting did the BD find out about this and went straight to the professional counselor for help. His advice was to let the child suffer his own consequences.

He has been smoking behind our backs and lying about that too. He has been caught drinking as well. He won't adhere to timelines either. Basically, he will not take responsibility for his actions.

Finally, there was a huge "blow-up" and the son decided he wanted to go to counseling again....that lasted one session because he doesn't want to listen to the advice from the Dr.

If I am around, I can usually smooth the situation between the two but we are not getting to the root of the problem. The child/teenager/adult is irresponsible in many ways and must be constantly reminded to do routine chores that he had always been responsible for (take out trash and feed the pets, etc) and becomes resentful when reminded. We have offered our real world experiences from work and families as examples of how he can improve the situations instead of making them worse but he is stubborn and we are stupid. BD has worked with him over the years on accountability and talked with him in non-confrontational situations asking his son for input and agreement to how they should work together to accomplish these things and the son agrees, makes a plan, but doesn't follow through.

We are afraid to leave him alone because he doesn't know how to say no to bad influences, nor can he manage simple tasks or decisions. This has taken a toll on the relationship between BD and myself. We include him in just about everything we do (or offer to), but we need some alone time as well.

We have empowered him to make choices and reward or punish based upon his behavior but if punishment is issued, he becomes disrespectful and arrogant which leads to additional stress and anger between all of us.

We are worried that he is never going to able to manage his own life. He is in a terrific Martial Arts program, but doesn't apply himself there either. He has never had a job, but we feel that school is his #1 priority, then MA and contributions to the household chores and then fun-time.

Over the years BD has spent lots of $$$ on private tutors but the son ends up manipulating his tutors into coddling him and he doesn't put forth the effort to learn.

He has plenty of time with his BD and BD tries to do fun things with his son as bonding time (dirt biking, boating, pool time, etc) but recently the son isn't interested in doing anything with just his BD. There is anger built up in him and he will break, punch and destroy things just to get the anger out.

Interestingly enough, after these outburst and hours of talking they come together and hug and say "I love you". However, BD is about ready to kick him out of the house because he is at his wits end. When this is presented, the son is sweeter than apple pie for a couple of days, but then returns to his previous behavior.

We love the child/teenager/adult but I am afraid that he will still be suffering from his habits many years from now. In addition, this is becoming very time consuming with no real results. I cannot stand to see this situation go on......How do we get this child/teenager/adult to understand what is ahead for him in life if he continues down this path.

Anyone got ANY ideas???? Please....

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