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At the end of my rope

16 years ago

I've been reading this board as a "lurker" for awhile.

Today, we had a big blow up and I finally decided to sign up. I'm not looking for advice. I just think that putting my thoughts on "paper" may help me calm down and maybe get some clarity.

My situation: 37 yr old male, first marriage to a woman with a daughter from a previous marriage. Married 7 years. SD is now just shy of 17 yrs. Been with wife and SD for total of 9 years.

BF is a dirtbag. Never calls his daughter, sends cards, Christmas presents, etc. SD has historically gone to spend time with bio grandparents in the summer. Father lives very near grandparents, but spends very little time with her. BF is remarried and has 2 children with new wife.

We are financially good to go. SD goes to a private school.

My wife is a pushover when it comes to discipline. I believe she has a hard time being firm with the SD because she feels guilty about taking her away from her father. She seems to overcompensate for that guilt by allowing SD to get away with bad behaivior with little or no consequence.

I was raised in a strict family. I believe in a firm hand, and clear boundaries. My wife and I decided early on that I would not physically discipline SD, but would have full parental rights for everything else.

As such, I became the defacto disciplinarian. I did not want that responsibility. I felt that it would be hard enough to build a relationship with SD without being the "bad guy" all the time.

I had to make a hard choice. Let SD run wild with no consequences for her actions while being her buddy, OR, be the structure she needed and risk having a more sterile relationship.

I felt I owed it to her. It is my mission to help her become a good person and a contributing member of society.

Because of this disparity in parenting styles, SD plays my wife and me against each other. She turns on the tears, tells my wife how mean and I am, and usually gets her way.

Let me say that overall, she is a good kid. She makes good grades, does not smoke, drink or use drugs *that we know of*, and is generally respectful of others.

My problem with my SD is the basic lack of respect I receive from her. I thought by now she would understand that even if she did not like me, she should at least respect me and appreciate the things I provide for her.

I know kids don't look at the world that way...but I'm sure you know how I feel.

SD says that she will repsect me, when I respect her.

As for respect...I have read many comments on this board. Bottom line, a child should respect their elders. They don't have to agree with our decisions. Children don't usually know what's in their best interest. In fact I don't think kids understand what respect really means. I think my SD equates respect as doing what she wants and not getting punshed for it. She knows I will hold her responsible and just wants to be left alone.

In her defense, I will admit that I may overcompensate for her mothers lack of discipline by taking up the slack.

I have tried in the past and continue to try very hard to be more than just the hard ass in the family.

In typical teenage style, my SD has retreated into herself. It seems the only time she speaks to me is when she wants or needs something.

She accused me today of not speaking to her except when I'm telling her to do something. I know objectively that this is not true. I can give example after example of my attempts to reach out to her. Simple conversations and life lessons.

Things that frustrate and anger me: rolling of the eyes, the backtalk and the raised voice. I never got away with that crap with my parents.

For the record, she treats her bio-mom the same way.

But the worst part is that her mom does not back me up when we discuss how her actions and behaivior are inappropriate.

In my head, I get it. I'm not her bio-dad. I'll never measure up. No matter what I do, it will never be enough.

In my heart, I just don't get it. I'm the one who protects her from strangers, boys who only want one thing, I pay for her to go to private school, and everything else she needs (or wants). I will be the one who pays for college and buys her first car. *Yes I know you can't buy a childs love*. I sit with her and talk when she cries about something that happened at school. I'm There for her.

It's just not fair. I wish someone would have told me it was going to be like this. I can honestly say I would have taken a pass.

I love my wife. I'm hoping things get better after SD is gone to college.

I just don't know if I can hang on that long. 2 more years, minimum.

Guess I'll take it one day at a time.

Thanks for listening,


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