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1st Day of School Calls!

15 years ago

All our kids started school last Friday. BM called last night at 9:45pm. Kids were in bed so I let it go to voicemail because me and dh did not need to talk to her for anything. She leaves a message in a ticked off voice saying "It's _________,__________, and _______'s MOTHER and I wanted to talk to them about their first day of school today but I guess nobody is answering the phone. Have MY CHILDREN call me back so they can tell their MOM about their first day of school.

Okay, so if you wanted to talk to them about their first day why did you wait 4 days after their first day to call?? And why would you call at 9:45pm on a school night??

Makes me think she left the message for someone else's maybe her parents were with her and she wanted to act like she has been calling and nobody lets the kids talk to her??

My dh said that her parents probably went home and were telling her how happy the kids are here and how attached to me they seem. When we saw them at sd's game my ss was attached at my hip as always. He always sits by me and leans on me and gives me hugs. And when the kids came home from visiting my sd's both ran up to me and hugged me. He thinks that grandparents told their daughter how the kids call me mom and like me so much so now she is in "I want to pretend I am a good mommy mode".

I just do not get all the games. If she wants to talk to her kids then all she has to do is call!! If we miss the call we do see the caller id or check voicemails and we ALWAYS have the kids call her back! But instead of calling regularly she calls once in a while and then lies about calling regularly. With cell phones how does she not have the ability to call regularly?

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