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Crystal chandelier with Shaker cabinets? Opinions, please!

13 years ago

We're uilding a new home with an open plan kitchen/living room/dining room. Budget & builder problems mean we must abandon our plan for more elegant, formal cabinets & now it looks like medium brown Shaker is my only cabinet option. The living/dining rooms are sort of rustic contemporary, with stone & reclaimed beam mantel fireplace, sturdy furniture, & iron & crystal fake-Tuscan/Kathy Ireland lookalike dining rm chandelier. For our kitchen island, I have a very glitzy contemporary chandelier, that consists only of 9 inch long strands of crystal hanging from a 38 inch long X 10 inch wide rectangular frame (sorry, no pic.) I thought this light MIGHT work with the chandelier in dining rm & MAYBE make an interesting :) contrast to my more formal, detailed wood cabinets. However, now I have Shaker - dare I release the Liberace??

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