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Hot Country Roof Venting Options

18 years ago

Reroofing: I get conflicting info on which is the best vent: Whirlybird, Eyebrow or Ridge. I'm concerned with hot. No ice, no snow, just hot summer air. 110F Ambient.

My problem is the contractors etc talk very knowingly about the airflow in the attics like they know all about it. Well I don't know a whole lot for sure but as it happens in my youth I was an aerodynaminc engineer and don't think they know didly about subsonic naturally convected flow. Manufacturers airflow diagrams are idealized and mostly unrealistic. They almost invariably show an attic with nothing in it like ducts and beams and such which must impede the flow.

I'm not impressed with the ridge vent because they look to me like there is just too much baffling - it just has to interfere with the low speed naturally convected air flow. Sure air comes out but it can't be but a fraction of what should come out. Or what would come out of an open ridge.

Contractors and roofing salesmen like em. However, one sales rep said they sell a lot of Eyebrow vents.

Consider a 40 foot roof with 4.4 square feet of soffet vent.

Using an ELK ridge vent would provide 5 square feet of outlet but that's as advertised and would be reduced by the internal baffle area plus the tortuous path thru said baffles would give effectively less outlet flow.

Same roof would need five 14 inch whirly birds @ 1.07 square feet each by my figuring; contractor said 2 Whirlies would do it.

Same roof would need 9 Eyebrow vents @ 0.51 square foot each again by my figuring.

Have I lost it completely?

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