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Advice for Exterior Paint in Florida?

19 years ago

Hello, I usually am on the gardening (or pool!) forums, but have spent the morning searching the home forums about exterior paints. We are getting ready to paint the exterior and want to be sure to get a paint that will last in the Florida sun.

After reading Michael_H's posts, I'm leaning toward SW Duration (the self-priming / mildew inhibitor part sounds pretty good). There is a SW store nearby, which I hope to check out soon. I believe there our Home Depot also sells Glidden Endurance, which you guys seem to rate pretty high.

However, I would appreciate any additional input anyone has with exterior paints lasting in Florida. Or, the application of paint in Florida. It's in the 60's today and, after reading posts here, it sounds like I better get moving on this project before the heat and summer storms move in.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.

P.S. Is powerwashing with water only a good enough prep - or should I use a cleaning solution (what?)?

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