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What is the WORST gift you ever recieved?

13 years ago

I don't know if it is the worst but I do not give my middle sister gifts for anything any more. This sounds bad but every gift my baby sister & I would give her, she would 'regift' back to us. Tag's still attached and sometimes in the same wrapping as when she recieved them. LOL I made her a quilt for her birthday (in July) out of colors that she requested - we went to a craft fair (in September) and I recognized it hanging on the wall of someones booth. Sister was across the room so I ask the lady if I could see it. She told me that she had not made it but her neighbor had and she was displaying it for her! Oh, ya! Sister got an earful!

I heard this one at work last week - makes me giggle and cringe at the same time . . .

A lady bought a box of chocolates for a co-worker she really didn't know and her children found it, opened it and took bites out of each piece. Instead of buying another or getting something else she wrapped and gifted it anyway!

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