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Week 110 - What was the worst food you ever ate?

8 years ago

I was in college at the time and being wooed by a 36 yrs old executive. It was our second date and he knew I loved to try new things.

He took me out to the best sushi restaurant in Boston and introduced me slowly to various sushi. I was scared of raw fish but gave it and go and loved it. I was downing oyster shots, eating raw tuna and feeling invincible.

He ordered his meal separate from me but I tried everything and it tasted good until .......

Uni.... My date tried to warn me that it was an acquired taste and didn't want me to eat it but ..... I was on a roll.

OMG the taste was indescribable. I spit it out, ran to the bathroom, threw up and scrubbed my tongue for 15 minutes.

Needless to say, the date was over when I came out.

I didn't eat for the next three days as I could taste the Uni with every bite. I spent over a week gargling, brushing teeth and scrubbing my tongue every hour before I could get rid of the taste.

I didn't dare touch sushi for 15 yrs.

Did you ever eat something that tastes so bad that the memories stay with you forever?

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