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Is your retired'significant other' harder to live with now?

22 years ago

Well maybe not harder to live with but now that your always "under foot" is there anything that drives you bananas that didn't when you /he wasn't retired?

My Hubby -dear as he is to me--is a BIG SLOB !!-'course I've always known it & when we were both working didn't seem to be so bad but now I'm about ready to deck him--HE NEVER PUTS AWAY ANYTHING--leaves drawers & cupboard doors open--drops (lays) whatever he's been using (& is now done with) where ever he happens to be instead of putting it back where it came from--clothes hung on every chair back in the house--shoes in the living rm-slippers in the kitchen--newspaper out on the deck/back porch--gas can he used to fill the mower sitting in the back yard.

Am I the only one ---


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