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Sally Brownlee
10 years ago

Anyone here ever followed Flylady?
About 4 weeks ago I (re)visited the site and started to embrace several tips about cleaning and de-cluttering.
I am amazed at myself for sticking with it this long. ( I am a "starter and quitter"�)
I have never been accused of keeping a neat home LOL!
But if I can brag a little, my home hasn�t been this clean in years. While it was never trashy, I just tend to resist daily things and let it build up until it�s a chore!
I am now officially "company ready". No need to panic if I get an unannounced visitor!

Her first step is to shine your sink before bed. I never knew how nice it would feel to see a clean sink in the morning. The other major change is to "swish and swipe" . Both bathrooms get a quick wipe down of mirror, sink and toilet every morning.
This weekend I cleaned out the guest room closet�it was full of nonsense I had been keeping for no reason.

So, while the website is free, I did break down and buy a few of her products she endorses�. And I must say I am very pleased so far.

I know this program may not be everybody�s cup of tea�the website is kind of elementary and the language is a little too cutesy, but the techniques work. ( at least for me)

Just wanted to share!

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