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Facebook - Do I really want to do that!

15 years ago

I just thought of something.

I just rec a request from a relative to join, and I have already joined.

The real question is -- Do I want to reveal the KT to all the people I know..... Hummm

I mean this is like "My private life" where I can talk about people I know w/o them knowing -----

Well, of course, I only talk about them when they deserve it! LOL

The thing is -- I am in the KT group on FaceBook and when I make them my friends -- don't they also have access to all the "imaginary" friends I have listed......Hummmm

Is that the way it works?

There is just so much about FaceBook that I haven't figured out yet, and I don't want to mix my KT relationships with my relatives.

Is this preventable? Am I at a crossroads in life? Will my NORMAL life, as I know it, be gone? Will my whole life, which is always so INTERESTING, become complicated? Will I have to start REMEMBERING what I said where? OH, WOE is me, what shall I do?

And I thought today was going to be another simple (actually dull) uncomplicated day! LOL

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