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September, 2013 Quilting/Sewing Thoughts

I'm having to go with thoughts this month since I'm not sure what I'm going to be able to do. I finally have glasses. They work pretty well for sewing, watching TV and for far vision. Laptop and reading is better without them. I think I'm ready to just live with it for awhile and see what happens. Have had some dental work done and will have more done toward the end of the month. We are taking a trip to Indiana to visit family this month, too.

I finally got the Crumb Colors sewn together and am putting it away for now. It's 56X66 so it's already bigger than what I normally make, but not sure if it needs a border or not. I'll post a picture later. I have another red, white and blue is almost done. Guess that will be my goal this month....sewing the rest of the blocks together. I also have fabric cut for pillowcases and ready to sew.

Those of you with gardens are probably getting close to the end of it and canning and freezing your bounty......good eating come winter. :-)

Those of you preparing for the retreat have already made your Sept least some of them. lol Let's hear what y'all have in mind for this month.


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