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Dream home part 2 - Do you love WHERE you live?

12 years ago

Could mean the actual address where you live, the city, etc.

I do love where we live. We moved outside the city where both our families lived, to a more rural area (although we both lived in the county, not a city address), about 20-30 miles away. Close enough to family but far enough away from family LOL. Still in the vicinity of where we grew up so able to see friends from our childhood and/or high school. Have lots of family in the area. We have roots here and I can't see us ever leaving the "area". We went from 3 acres to just over one and while we were looking for acreage, I can now see as we get older, this is fine. Built our house, it is not huge, no steps, great yard, outside area, sunroom. The right things for us. We neither one would be happy in a city or in a subdivision with neighbors real close. Honestly, the thought of that just stifles me. I have to have my space, and my privacy. I can go out each morning with the pup in my nightie. Our back is completely private and we love that. I absolutely NEED that. Our home is our refuge. We do talk about moving to a nearby lake area IF the right lot/house were available but it would have to be something just about perfect to leave what we have. We have many friends in the area, family, a small church we love. We drive about 30 minutes to our jobs, but don't mind that at all as to be able to live outside the city.

My sister, on the other hand, talks about moving when they retire. She and her husband live in different states and commute back and forth on weekends. They have a vacation condo near Charleston, SC and talk about moving to that area some day.

So, how 'bout you? Are you WHERE you want to be?


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