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Cyber-manners and real estate

12 years ago

Does it feel odd to anyone else that many people routinely snoop around in your real estate affairs via the web?

I have had more than one occasion where it became clear that someone visiting for the first time had looked up information, and I don't mean directions (which I always provide because there is a little fillip to them). Like one guy who said our property was amazing from the air. Dummy me, I asked if he was a pilot (hobby i mean). He said no, I saw it on Zillow. Someone else commented --- can you believe this --- on our property taxes. I think you can also see if someone has a mortgage?

As recently as 5 years or so, before the housing crash, and before Zillow, I noticed that people would often look around at a host's home and say, "so, when did you buy". Small talk, yes? I had a friend who joked it was really a veiled "how much did you pay", since depending upon where you hopped in on the bubble, you may or may not be as well off as your real estate might imply.

I suppose some folks are rude in any era, cyber or not. But the nakedness of real estate today seems so odd, for an asset that for many is their largest "investment" and sometimes largest obligation.

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