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My simple yet contrivertial pool question in another forum.

16 years ago

I posted this question in another forum where not one person out of 400 + views could give me the slightest ball park figure of what a basic pool would cost to build.

I posted a picture of what I kind of want here, with a little more info:

If you can give me any idea, from experience, what a pool like that would roughly cost, I would really appreciate it !

Here is a link that might be useful: need a pool

Comments (57)

  • 16 years ago

    Hi Gastil. I don't think asking for a ROUGH estimate is out of line at all. My guess for the picture you posted in So CA would be about 100k. This is a GUESS based on what I read online. I am as far from a pool builder as you can get.

    I live in the NE and paid $35,000 for a 16 x 38 white FIBERGLASS (1 skimmer, 3 returns), Hayward sand filter, Hayward heater, Hayward pump, cantilever concrete edge, 1000 sf of brushed concrete decking, black aluminum fencing (pretty big yard), 10 ft. gazebo, new sod.

    I think that's everything. I would love to know what kind of estimates you get from pool builders just to see how close I am! Good luck.

  • 16 years ago

    I'd ball park you at the $60-80k number - but you could be a smidge lower than the low end - or a lot higher than the high end...depending on the "extras" - projects tend to spiral out of control ;-)

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  • 16 years ago

    A 15 x 30 rectangular pool with spa and no water features plus some standard concrete decking (300 sf or so) would run about 40k here in TX. For a stone wall with flume and planter as shown in the pic I would guess that would add around 4k to the price. But price varies greatly depending on your location, if you're in CA then it could be 50% more. Also finishout affects the price a lot. Pebble finish will be 4k to 5k more than standard plaster. Deck finishes can add several thousand to the price. If you're seriously considering a pool then meet with a PB and discuss your options, they can help you to hone in on what finishes you want and how much the various options will cost.

  • 16 years ago

    Here's the thread from the other board.

    Here is a link that might be useful: DIY Chatroom

  • 16 years ago

    Thanks, beer_geek! That was eye opening. All I can do is shake my head and say, "WOW!"

    I would never think of posting a job as big/important as building a pool on the net and waiting for a contractor to contact me. (shaking head)

  • 16 years ago

    aqua_man, I think you are missing the point of posting jobs that I have on that website. I'm not going to hire someone straight off of there for something like a pool build but it gives me a good idea of a PB when I see their profile and that they took the time to hustle and find new business. Why should I go through the phone book and beg for contractors to do my job when I can post it and if they want a job, they will contact me. Customer Service, I have set up a few appointments with contractors based on the profile they sent me.

    And beer_geek, did you read what, tresw, jennifer_in_clyde, and tlbb posted. Thats real help ! All I asked for was a serious ball park for a pool and spa like the one in the picture I posted so when a contractor does come out and estimates a $500,000 price tag, I will be a little better informed. Just doing my homework and I really appreciate all the help in THIS forum !

    Here is a link that might be useful: this is the pool i want

  • 16 years ago

    Quote: "Why should I go through the phone book and beg for contractors to do my job when I can post it and if they want a job, they will contact me."

    No one here (or in that other thread) said to go through the phone book and randomly pluck names out and beg them to do your pool. You will have to do your homework- read through forums, make a list of local recommended pool builders, do background BBB checks on them, seek out and contact references and reach out to make contact with those high quality PBs. They will not contact you through a random posting on the internet. In fact, you could post something right here and no one would contact you because they don't want to be perceived as using the forums for marketing purposes. It is much more likely that you will get some guy working out of the back of a 1970 El Camino who is "pretty sure" that he can do pools contact you through something like that! Believe me I know, I'm an architect with 23 years in the construction industry. Those guys that posted similar comments in this thread and the other know of what they speak.

    Below is a link to an excellent description on how to select a builder. It outlines what steps you need to take to get the design phase going. Good luck!

    Here is a link that might be useful: How to pick a pool builder

  • 16 years ago


    Haven't had a 1970 El Camino guy send me their profile but I have had a couple of contractors that have very good profiles backed by a license and part of the BBB.

    "They will not contact you through a random posting on the internet." But they will and they have because a good company wants to push to get more jobs. In here, yes, no one would probable contact me but on that website, that is what you do and that is what it is meant for, a community to connect people who have jobs with people who can do them.

    The other thing is, I have no idea where to find an architect but if I needed one I would post it on that website and hopefully someone like you would contact me and tell me that you have been in the business for 23 years etc. and show me a profile that would catch my eye to show me that you were a professional.

    If I post a need for an architect you wouldn't respond ?

  • 16 years ago

    Sorry gastil, but I just have to throw my $.02 in here. I did all my homework on my builder. He was referred to me by friends, I checked the BBB (no complaints), I went to pools he had built and talked to the owners and he took me to one he was in the process of building. There was not one thing else I could have done. Well, this guy took 7 months to build a simple vinyl in-ground pool! I'm now in the midst of arguing with him for final payment because he basically abandoned the job as soon as water was in. No equipment instruction, no pool cleaner, no warranty information and no owners manuals!

    So, I hope you post the progress on your build because I believe you will get a VERY rude awakening and owe several folks on this thread as well as the other an apology for being so naiive! Every single person on both forums have tried to tell you how vague your request is and you refuse to listen. These are people that have been through the process yet you still believe you know more about it than they! Get this in your head....pool builders are a breed you have NEVER come across and will be absolutely amazed at. They operate their business in a manner (there are absolutely exceptions for sure...muddy and kelly) that most of us would be out of business in no time. You see, they have folks coming to them all day long...they don't HAVE to look for business. And, it's a one-time (for the most part) job so they don't depend on repeat business. You really should go back and read birdbath's experience for some enlightenment. You are at THEIR mercy, not the other way around...period. Quit being so stubborn and listen to people that have been there done that!

  • 16 years ago


    I really have no idea what you are saying because you did what everyone has told me to do yet you were not happy and your telling me that I should do the same thing ?

    Ok, how about this. If anyone has built a pool, how much did it cost ? I would really like to know what the average cost to build a pool is.
    And how am I being "naive" or "stubborn" ?

    I know of one person that had a pool done by a PB that was highly recommended and they did a horrible job and the people couldn't be more unhappy. So my other option is what ? and what is so wrong about posting that I need a pool built ? I have been contacted by pool builders that I am now looking into them.

  • 16 years ago

    We built our pool in 2006 in the SF Bay Area. Our pool w/ an Acapulco shelf, salt system, heater, Pebble Tec and a 7 foot raised spa was $51,000. That was for the POOL, nothing else.

    For the set up you're looking at I'd guess another $30-$40,000.

    I'd love to recommend my pool builder but as you know the market for everything to do with a home in the Bay Area has gone down and he is planning on filing bankruptcy.

  • 16 years ago

    What I'm saying is that you can do all the checking you want and think you have a great pool builder and it STILL may turn out horrible....just like the person you are talking about. I'm also trying to reiiterate what others are saying that whoever would respond to your post most definely will cause you problems. Even the loser PBs are busy! It just works very differently than what you are thinking. I'm not telling you NOT to check on them...most definelty you should. I'm just saying that just because you do this, it doesn't guarantee a good PB.

    You are being naiive in the fact that you think we could just give you a number. Different materials, different parts of the country, heck even different PBs will all get you a different number and that could be a HUGE difference between them. So from what I've seen, the range of 40K - 200K is going to be the best anyone can do.

    You're being stubborn because you won't listen to anyone. Everyone here has given as close as is possible a ballpark figure for you and you want to stand your ground and get it, IMO, within 5K of whatever you get from a PB. That's just not going to happen.

    I sure wish muddy water or huskyrider would chime in here and give their opinion of getting business off of a post! And how much time they spend looking for business #1 and looking for it on the internet #2!!

    At this point I can only say...have at it! It's your money, not mine! Just be sure to leave wiggle room on whatever you ALWAYS costs more. Don't take your last nickel to get into this pool.

  • 16 years ago


    Thank you so much for exactly what I was looking for !

    Here is a link that might be useful: this is the pool i want

  • 16 years ago

    I'm thinking of building a new much should I pay for it?

    Sorry, but thats about the equivalent question. I think the best answer would be....well how much do you want to spend?

  • 16 years ago

    Lets see... I can build that pool for 50k...But once I see your yard I'm going to add another 20k for retaining wall and another 5k for access say you don't want a sand filter you want a DE that will be another $900..Lights you want 3? thats another 2k. Automation?simple system....Cleaner $1200 so on and so on...Neogociation is a powerful thing and starting at the bottom is a buyer's dream but with additions the builder will win in the end...Be more specific in what you ask for and you will keep you budget in control.Then go to the court house and pull all pool permits in your area and give the homeowners a call....thats how you will find your dream builder.... All your post will do I'm afraid is give you a very low place to start you budget.

  • 16 years ago

    I think the posters in the other forum are correct in suggesting that you are naive to attempt to solicit bids in such a way and that your preference to deal with a contractor whop sees your post and responds is shortsighted. A site like the one you frequent may be ok for finding someone to mow your lawn but a pool construction project is a much different animal.
    Perhaps if business in my area was very slow and I was desperate for work I would answer such an ad but probably not even then.
    As was posted earlier reputable contractors get the majority of their work through word of mouth and referrals.
    Most potential customers wouldn't want to hear it but the fact is that while they are checking out their potential contractors referrals the diligent contractor is also qualifying the interested client.
    I don't advertise in the yellow pages or answer ads like yours because I don't have time to deal with tire kickers.

    Call your local BBB or ask neighbors and friends for a referral. Have a couple of builders come out and meet with you. Have a written list of your requirements to give each one so they are bidding on the same project. Be clear and don't let the salesman go crazy with upsells in the initial quote. If you find a contractor you can deal with and the quote is within your budget meet with him again to nail down all the details.
    I have found that this process is the simplest and the fairest to all involved.

  • 16 years ago

    It has to do with economics as well as business. Pool building is not the same kind of business as lawncare & dead carcass disposal. Those jobs you mentioned are minimum wage/ no skill kind of jobs.

    In those cases you are right - they need to be out there trying to drum up business because they have a lot of other people to compete with. When you have a special skill to offer, business competition is different (in a normal economy). I don't know if you are familiar with the process, but having a pool built is EXTREMELY similar to having a house built.

    Unless you are in an area where pool builders are unusually desperate for business, the quality (& qualified) builders are going to be plenty busy already - especially this time of year. I would be very concerned about someone who is actually having to actively seek out customers - advertising is one thing, but looking for jobs on an internet bulletin board smacks of a desperation for work that *should* make you concerned. Hold out for someone with quality credentials.

    You cannot eliminate all of your risks, as the poster above has told you, but it is wise to do all that you can to minimize them - it's the difference between playing russian roulette with 5 empty chambers vs. 1.

    All that said, a ballpark figure is not entirely unreasonable if you are trying to decide if you should even be considering this expense. I actually contacted 2 PB (1 gunite, 1 fiberglass) to ask pricing questions to get a basic range - ie. the fiberglass guy said $25-35K depending on pool design & assuming a 3' wide concrete deck. And the gunite guy said $40K for a basic pool but they appear to be a little bit higher-end builder - another reason to put yourself out & do your research. (I'm near Houston, TX)

    When you have this many people who have been thru the good, the bad, & the ugly in this process telling you essentially the same thing, it would be wise to give it some serious consideration...

  • 16 years ago

    "If I post a need for an architect you wouldn't respond ? "

    No, I've worked for several different companies over the years and have been affiliated with many others and am not aware of any professional that looks for work by cruising web sites like that. There are web sites (such as Dodge Reports) that will post online bid information for any active projects they can get info on including many of ours. People see these bid calls online and submit stupidly low bids. Part of my job is to qualify bidders for our clients and these people that are responding by finding a posting online are WAY underqualified. It's so bad that most of our clients have told us not to give out any project info to places like Dodge.

    Listen, we're all trying to help you out here and you clearly are taking offense to it for some reason. We are all impartial 3rd parties that have been through the process ourselves, it would behoove you to listen instead of trying to discredit everyone. If you've already made up your mind as to what you are going to do then why did you come here asking for help? Honestly I wish you the best of luck, you're going to need it more than most :-)

  • 16 years ago

    Did we miss scrapbookone's post ? It was amazing ! What was so hard about that ?

    cascade, what does it hurt to answer my post so we can meet and you can bid my job ? the thing that does hurt is if you don't answer my post and you miss out on a job.

    you don't advertise and you don't answer ads like mine... then how would I even know that you exist ?

    I think "naive" is the word of the week.

    Here is a link that might be useful: this is the pool i want

  • 16 years ago

    Gastil, please read my post again. I don't advertise and I don't look for work on message boards because I get all the work I can handle through referrals and repeat business. Too many people who respond to ads are tire kickers. I would expect that someone who thinks a posting on a message board replaces the research and effort most of my clients put into choosing their contractors would probably be worse than a tire kicker.
    I qualify all my clients, I suspect you wouldn't cut it.

  • 16 years ago

    Everyone has already told you what it could possibly hurt. PB's do advertise & they are listed in all sorts of places for people who are interested to be able to find them easily.

    The problem stems from the fact that you seem to be asking for more than a ballpark price range & you have given the impression that you expect to be able to build your pool this way.

    I am not so sure that you are naive either - but the alternative is less kind.

  • 16 years ago

    cascade, I am happy you have all the work you need and it just further makes my point that you are probably too busy for me. I want someone that is not too busy for me and wants to work for me. Again how would I know you exist ?

    gracedunderpressure, I'm not asking for more then a ball park, people are making this out to be more then a ball park. Like I said before, read scrapbookone's post and that person listened to want I was hoping to gain.

    I still can't believe that a PB wouldn't take 2 min. out of his or her day to find a post like mine to grow their business. My businesses would have never gotten to the point they are if I didn't hustle.

    Here is a link that might be useful: this is the pool i want

  • 16 years ago

    Many of us have come here to find out ballpark figures for our part of the country & did not experience the responses you are getting - that would tell you something if you would just tune in.

    You say all you want is a ballpark & yet you are still going on about having a PB find you? You are not very consistent in your communications.

    You also still have yet to address why you prefer someone who is desperately seeking work rather than someone who has plenty of work because they can build a quality product. Does quality (which impacts longevity) not matter to you?

    Can you really believe that you are talking about a mere "2 min. out of his or her day"?
    Only if this dream PB of yours knows exactly which haystack to look in...

  • 16 years ago


    Look through the posts and tell me how many ball park estimates like scrapbookone's you see and then how many post you see that address the way I am going about hiring a PB.

    Like I have said a couple of times now, being very "consistent" I want a PB to come to me because it shows a lot of character that he or she wants the work. You can have all the skills in the world but if you don't want to do something, its not going to turn out great.

    Take another look at what I posted at and tell me whats wrong with that. Because I got a couple of replies that were profiles of PB companies and pictures of recent work that they have done that is close to the picture I posted. Then they explained the price tag of those pools with an explanation of why they cost what they did. In the end they asked when it would be convenient with me to meet, talk more about the project, and see those recent jobs they have done that look like the pool I want. Further they gave me in their profile a little write up about why they would be the best person for my job, references, license numbers, and showed their enthusiasm to give me what I would like. THATS WHY I POST THERE.

    Here is a link that might be useful: this is the pool i want

  • 16 years ago

    I think the questions you really are asking are

    What are the specs of your pool?
    Where are you located? and
    How much did you pay?"

    Essentially that is what scrapbookone gave you. I think at one time we had a poll that asked that so that folks could make comparisons. That might be easier to answer than this ballpark thing. I bet I would have a $30,000 difference in "ballpark" figures even in reasonably priced Central PA where I live.

  • 16 years ago

    My pool:

    Charlotte, NC
    3 ft - 9 ft
    20 ft x 45 ft
    10 ft tanning shelf
    50 sq. ft. spa
    8 ft. diving board
    12 ft. infinity edge
    intelliflo VF pump, and 2hp whisperflo pump
    all pentair accessories
    Polaris 360 cleaner


    Now, I know that I will get feedback from the next sentence:
    I think Gastil is ahead of the times. That's all. If you all think that PBs are not going to use the internet in the future to find prospects, you all are naive. I guarantee that the first thing that 90% of prospects do when they think they might build a pool, is they start to surf the internet for pictures and info. on pricing. The website that has lots of pics and info. that the consumer wants will be the place that the prospect comes back to. And if the PB is savvy enough, there will be multiple "calls to action" throughout the site that prompts the prospect into giving out a little of their contact information. If the PB knows anything about marketing, he then puts this prospect onto a "drip campaign" and delivers pertainent information to this contact on a regular schedule. When it is time for that prospect to start getting bids, guess what PB is going to be on the top of his consciense?
    For the PBs that already "have enough work", then that is fine, but most businessmen do not put a ceiling on their income potential. They are always willing to increase the efficency of collecting prospects and increasing their bottom line.
    Stats say that internet conversion rate will be about 5%. So for every 100 sign ups, you could expect to recieve about 5 customers asking for bids. And it can all be automated. So the excuse that your time is limited with current work is not a good excuse.
    Gastil will probably receive bids from the scammers, but I would also bet that he is going to get a response from a PB that is way ahead of the marketing curve, and maybe way ahead of the construction curve too.
    I think the negative feedback is just due to the difficulty in communicating clearly over a forum. it happens all of the time.
    Gastil, keep us posted with who you choose and how you find them.

  • 16 years ago

    A couple of things:

    Gastil, I'm the one who referred you to this website BECAUSE I knew you would get responses like tresw, jennifer_in_clyde, and tlbb. I was actually HELPING you.

    I also thought you would come in here and just post your request and not take a shot at the folks over at DIY Chatroom. Your actions are why I posted the link.

    Lastly, I really think you need to understand the concept of "scheduling". Building a pool like the one you want doesn't take a couple of days. It is a drawn out process. Any PB worth any consideration is going to fit you into a schedule. Look around here. You'll see how long it takes.

    Congratulations on getting contacted by some pool builders. Please keep us up to date on your progress. Let us know how you've been treated differently because they contacted you instead of you contacting them.

  • 16 years ago


    The site below may help you find what you are looking for...I get requests for quotes on it all the time... Good Luck

    Here is a link that might be useful: Swimming Pool

  • 16 years ago


    Thank you for the post and I think the future is now given that I have gotten, what I feel, are very good responses to my ad. I have also gotten the spam but that is were people need to use their judgment and comnonsense. I really do think it is the future not just for PBs but for many other industries aswell.

    and beer-geek, I hope it didn't seem like I was taking a shot at anyone in the other forum, its just hard to keep focused on an issue when people are judging my character and calling me naive and stubborn for trying to find a PB by posting an ad on that website. I don't know if it is because people are scared of change in the way contractors may be hired in the future but never the less a simple question was turned into more then it needed to be.

    ncrealestateguy put it very well and I strongly suggest everyone read their post.

    Here is a link that might be useful: this is the pool i want

  • 16 years ago

    Have you asked neighbors and friends who they used to build their pools and a ballpark figure on what it cost? I don't know but I think asking people who had a pool built would be safer then surfing the net for people.

  • 16 years ago

    Unfortunately in our neighborhood I don't know of anyone that has a pool and the only 1 person that I know that has a pool, put in a $200,000 pool which is not what I can afford.

    Here is a link that might be useful: this is the pool i want

  • 16 years ago

    Hey folks....let's just give it up! He knows more about what to do than any of us who have been through it, who build them or anything else to do with this!!!! Gastil...good luck with this. I sure hope you will post your progress. I don't think a single soul on here would love nothing more than to be proved wrong in that your way works. But...history and experience tells us different. So don't it your way...and be sure and let us know how that goes. I'm willing to bet that you will start out with this "I told you so" attitude only for it to quickly turn into all of us saying "I told you so". Please do remember that no one here giving you advice is making any money from you so there is no agenda to tell you anything more than the truth. As tresw said, we are only trying to help you, but all you can seem to do is tell us we are wrong. So go for it! Like I said's your money. If you've got it to blow...then have at it!

  • 16 years ago

    midtngal, there are people in here that hive given advice which I thank them for and the only thing you gave me is the hope that I never have to read another one of your posts that have nothing to do with my question.

    Read ncrealestateguy post... PLEASE !

    Here is a link that might be useful: this is the pool i want

  • 16 years ago


    PBs are active on the internet... they create well-designed web pages, with loads of pics and information. A simple google will list many PBs in your area. There are so many "sites" on the internet for a PB to search if he/she is looking for a sale... the problem is that a lot of time can be invested by the PB searching, with no sale landed.

    So the PB relies on tried and tested techniques (I do not have to repeat them here). The technique you want to use may work out for you, but I am doubtful.

    The reason why I am doubtful: you are relying on the PBs in your area to have knowledge of the sites that you posted on.

    Sorry, nothing positive to add w.r.t. a pool bid. We just built, but we're in Orlando, FL... big price differences.


  • 16 years ago

    The first you need is a survey of your property. All pool contractors will ask you for this. We have just gone through this process. I started off just like you not knowing what the cost of a pool would be. I decided to look on-line and found many different prices. They vary greatly from region to region. Just to give you an idea we here in Florida signed a contract for $35K for a 425sf free form with 7' spa, swg and heater. The same size and same extras in NC cost $90K. I couldn't believe the difference! So you really can't get a ballpark. I also did not have the time to look through the phone book and get quotes. I decided to go on-line, there are many contracting companies where you give them information of what you and number where they can reach and they will relay the information to pool companies to reach you. This worked best for me because of the lack of time I had. Once I met with 8 of them I checked them out with the BBB and also checked out their liscences I made my decision. I hope this helps. I have included one web-site that you can use. I hope this helps and will make it easier for you.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Swimming Pool Quotes

  • 16 years ago


    If you want a "true" ballpark figure, just call a couple of pool companies to come out and bid on your project. This will at least let you know if you can afford the pool. THEN, you can hire whoever contacts you from your website to complete the job.

  • 16 years ago

    The reason I asked for advice here is because I want to be a little more knowledgable before I do have PBs coming out to my home, throwing numbers at me.

    Here is a link that might be useful: this is how i am going to hire my PB

  • 16 years ago


    I was frustrated for the same reason. What we did is pick our budget and decide what was the most important thing we wanted a pool for. For us the budget was $30,000 max. We wanted a pool big enough & deep enough to dive. Then we asked a few pool companies to come to our house and tell us what the best pool they could give us for $25,000 to $30,000 was and that we preferred a diving pool. Each company will come up with the best design for the money. Pick the design you like and then have the other companies bid on that design also. You are right that if you don't have a budget it will go out of control so just stick with the feature that is most important to you and the purpose for the pool. Our pool was gunnited today and we are happy with our $30,000 dive pool with top of the line equipment. Low maintenance was a huge priority to us also so we had to give up on some other items that would have been pretty because pools should be fun not a burden.
    So set your budget & see what they can do for that! good luck:)

  • 16 years ago

    Does anyone else here smell a troll? If this guy wanted a pool so bad he would be too busy getting estimates and doing research to be arguing on multiple websites. Too many of you are banging your heads against a wall trying to help this guy. I think it is the attention, not a pool, that he is looking for.

    Don't feed the troll.

  • 16 years ago

    Yup, definitely a troll.

    "The reason I asked for advice here is because I want to be a little more knowledgable before I do have PBs coming out to my home, throwing numbers at me."

    LMAO!! First, What advice have you asked? Second, how are you going to be more knowledgeable having people on this forum throw numbers at you Vs. having actual pool builders, who know your area, give you quotes?

    If you were serious, you would have already had pool builders out to your home pricing the job to find out if the pool is in your budget. Then you would wait for your "Hustling" pool builder to find you.

  • 16 years ago

    It is a bit odd that he says he's only interested in getting a price range, but then he spends most of his time here arguing about how right & smart it is to hire somebody who has nothing better to do (in the middle of the busiest time of year) than surf the net hoping for customers.

    Has he been on any other posts? Has he talked or asked about anything else? All very atypical for those who come here searching for information.

    And notice how he not only posts a link to his PB wanted ad to every response but that he is now wording it in a more in-your-face manner - from "this is the pool I want" to "this is how I am going to hire my PB"?

    I think you may be on to something, Michelle! At any rate, why waste time talking to someone who clearly has already decided he is smarter than the rest of us...

  • 16 years ago

    WOW you guys caught me... Thats what I am, a troll. You guys are good ! Are you pro's ?

    Its weird because I thought this forum was a pool forum but I didn't know it was troll hunting season. I better go get my license. There is nothing I like more then hunting trolls on the internet !

    Hey troll hunters if you know anyone that knows ANYTHING about pools let me know. I know its off topic but I have a simple pool question.

    Here is a link that might be useful: don't look at this link to help me ballpark a pool job, its scary troll stuff

  • 16 years ago


    How far north are you? I'm in Central California(Merced) which is about 60 miles below Stockton. We used Pools by Nelson in Ripon. I don't know how far north they work. We have a free form 15 x 31 with an 8 x 11 Spa and Spillover. We only have a few jets and the spillover for water features. We went with an SWG, No Booster Pump and no special lighting. Just the basics, but we added the Pebble Tec Fina Finish and a little extra decking. We paid $43,300 out the door. When I was pricing, I noticed that the further South and towart the Coast I got, the higher the prices got. The inland builders were cheaper. I started with about 15 of them. After checking them all out with the CLB and BBB, I ended up with 5 left, of which only 4 called me back. Pools by Nelson gave me more for less. It seems like you want more by looking at the picture, so it will probably be more expensive.
    Good Luck on your build.

  • 16 years ago

    Gee whiz, cool your pants..this poor guy just asked for help not opinions and corrections...

    Yes, Gastil, I'm in the same boat, I did use this forum to acquaint myself with the lingo/different manufacturers for pool systems, liners, gunite applications you name it..this site helped a GREAT deal...I had 4 pool builders come out here's my take..

    1. Team A...they only do vinyl pools...when I asked them about an issue I have with perimeter fencing he said they just would not call the inspection department for the final inspection and they'd "never know any better"...okay, not going with this guy. What else will he hide from the county inspectors?

    2. Team B...their "regular" sales guy was on vacation so the actual pool builder had to come out and give me a pitch..he was being called every 5 minutes with a call from gunite layers to tile layers....he showed me 3 predrawn plans and gave me a pricing sheet...there, that's it...he wanted 48k-68k for just a 18x36 pool with 800 sq. feet of concrete decking and brick coping. Um, no.

    3. Team C...very knowledgeable answered all my questions that I would not have known to ask had I not been reading the posts...he sent me a drawing on CAD and expected me to sign a letter of intent...the drawing was just a hole in the landscaping or design...I said I'd get back to him.

    4. Team D...also nice, all they do is gunite but it took him 2 weeks to get back to me with a guesstimate..he was in the mid-60's..I'm not wanting a spa or waterfall...just a rectangular 20x40 pool...

    So here I go, I've worked hard on my design and I'm trying to itemize a materials list..I'll then go back to three of the above builders and say, Can you build this for 45k? See if any of them will be willing to work out something...I'll let you know how it goes!

    Good luck in your journey!

  • 16 years ago

    Hey, I gave Gas his answer. I told him exactly how much it will cost, down to the penny. So he should go build the pool he wants now.

  • 16 years ago

    What's worse...
    being a possible troll or being rude just becuse it is so easy and unaccountable to do so over a Forum?

  • 16 years ago

    With all due respect, ncrealestateguy, considering the definition of a troll, that is somewhat redundant. ;-)

    I will grant you that it was less than kind for me to tweak him like that, and it is true that his lack of manners does not justify ours. At the same time, if he is not made aware of how he comes across, how can he (hopefully) correct his behavior? Perhaps he was born in a different culture - that would be easier to let slide. Yet even then, he still would need to learn how to assimilate & he doesn't come across as the type of person who will accept a singular gentle correction - more like a plurality of bluntness - maybe. :-D

    At any rate, moving on to a more constructive line of thought, I not only do *not* disagree with your opinion about internet business for PB's, I would assert that it is already happening currently since I have been able to communicate successfully with at least one online about our interest. But note that this part is about the potential customer seeking out the PB who has put his internet shingle out rather than vice versa.

    The one point where we seem to differ is on the suggestion that good PB's are going to be cruising help wanted boards looking for pool jobs. If you want to grow your business, you are going to target the areas that will make the most of your advertising time & dollars rather than trying to hit up every possible avenue - because not many have that kind of time & money to spend with so little potential return on investment.

    Even if internet usage on that point changes in the future, it still seems on par with putting an ad in the paper - I can't see most people being willing to hire someone for a job like this based on who responded to their ad.

    There will always be those who prefer to go as cheaply as possible and cross their fingers, but I believe most of us would rather seek out the best and the brightest to increase our prospects for a quality job with greater longevity.

  • 16 years ago

    Maybe I just do not know what you mean by a troll. I am a forty - something adult that may not be up on the forum lingo.
    Yes, he does come across as a bit harsh, but the very first post only asked for peoples opinions of costs, given his detailed description and location. It is quite easy to post what type of pool we have and how much it costs. It is even appropriate to advise him to just seek out PBs, and have them come to his home.
    But some posts just got personally ugly, even though it takes more energy to do that then it does to try to help him, or even to ignore him.
    BTW, your help that you gave me on the tree root thread helped me a lot. I found that it is recommened not to plant a dogwood closer than 6 feet from a pool.
    Thanks for not tweaking me!

  • 16 years ago

    Sorry, ncrealestateguy, you are right - do unto others...

    Trolls are people who post on a board just to stir up trouble. There are several different techniques they use -some quite sneaky - but most typically they just like to say whatever they think will get people upset & angry (usually something rude & ugly).

    And I wouldn't tweak you - you've got cred! (BTW, I'm in the same age group as you!) ;-)

    P.S. Glad the info on the dogwood helped (wish we could grow those here, but our county extension agent told me years ago they can only survive as an understory tree here in our little town on the zone 9 prairie)

  • 16 years ago

    I showed Gastil in the other post that this system of looking for several pool quotes online is not new. He is not breaking any ground here and has not found a new web business. has been around for several years and it is not owned by any pool company but buy a distribution company...They run TV ads all the time and the requests go to several pool companys in your area...Best of luck to him in finding the best product for the best price...

    Here is a link that might be useful: Quotes