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What can we do with this awkward space?

10 years ago

When we bought our house, it had an indoor grill from the 1950s in it. Even though it was a conversation piece, it was clunky and didn't work, so we removed it.

Now we're left with an awkward open space in the wall in our main living area. The area is near where we will have our dining room and open to the living room and kitchen.

This space has stumped us. Some thoughts:

1) leave as is and put a wine fridge in there. There's electrical and gas in there
2) build a wine rack in there
3) re-insert the grill (we still have it, but I don't like that idea as we won't use it and it's not that attractive)

During our kitchen remodel, we are going to have cabinets/shelving built on the blank white wall. The white piece of wood near the top needs to stay since it is hiding ductwork and chimney stuff.

But we've thought about putting false cabinet doors over the white piece of wood so it looks more functional and less like a random piece of white wood in between stone blocks. Right now it looks strange to me. The chimney is in between colors -- it is white because we can't figure out what to do with it.

GW'ers, any good ideas on what we can do with this space? We've been stuck in indecision land for months, so I welcome any ideas or thoughts.

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