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Cambria prices per sq foot? + Cambria vs Home Depot/Lowes quartz?

11 years ago

I know all Cambria prices are the same regardless of color and regardless of edge. But what is the average price? I am in New England (Vermont).

Also does anyone have any info about the quality of Home Depot or Lowes quartz countertops? I really really love Cambria (had it before in my old house) and I have my eye on their new color Berkeley. But DH is all about cutting costs and supposedly the quartz at Lowes is $50 or $60 per sq foot. I have 71.33 sq feet of countertops in the new kitchen. And I really like the selection of Cambria. I'm wondering how much more Cambria will cost me. Last time (2005) we had a small kitchen and I think the cambria price was around $5000. This time my kitchen is much larger so I am a bit worried myself.

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