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How much food for ravenous cat, post-stroke?

My 8 year old female cat is recovering well from her stroke of almost a month ago. (Thanks to all who advised me and offered support!)Yesterday her vet took her off all meds except the twice a day phenobarbitol to prevent seizures.

As a side effect of the meds or the stroke, her appetite has been tremendous. Before the stroke she ate dry food at will, and weighed about 9-10 pounds. She had occasional treats of canned cat food. She was fairly active and did a certain amount of running around, ball chasing, etc. She was not overweight but had a little padding on her thighs. Her first week home she ate so much everyone noticed she had gained weight. I decided to ration her food after week 2 because she was getting quite rounded. We were hiding her pills in canned cat food, which is probably more caloric. Even now when we cook dinner the smells make her cross-eyed with desire; she is begging at the table which she never did before. (We have re-training to do!)

We ate still giving her part canned (like ¼ can a day), but most dry. I never knew how much food a cat should eat since we never had one who overate. How much dry food (Meow Mix) should I allow? How much canned food (Friskies or 9 Lives loaf form) in volume is equal to dry, calorie-wise, since I am feeding both dry and canned? I know many people feed both. She is not as active as before. She cannot go outside gardening with me anymore, so no bunny chasing. She moves around the house continually (in constant pursuit of a human), but so far is not playing or chasing balls.


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