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Is anyone signing up for Oprah's 'New Earth' class?

16 years ago

I planned to sign up but couldn't get the media player installed. Also haven't read the book but was gonna try to participate anyway. Doesn't look like I will now.

Is anyone joining the class?

Comments (48)

  • minnie_tx
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Let us know more about it I never watch her so I don't know about it.

  • wildchild
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Not me. I used to watch her but she has gotten too over the top for me. What started out as a nice daytime talk show has become nothing but a stage for the Oprah Winfrey opinion.

    I'm sorry she had trauma in her past, I am happy for her that she became a successful television host. But her opinion means nothing to me and her "new age" era is wearing thin. I hope she can find time to fix herself and stop advising others until she does so. I said in a past post about Oprah that I find her "sad". I don't plan to join her cult anytime soon and I find it ludicrous that now she decides to don the hat of online teacher while the author blatantly gets to promote his book.

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  • wildchild
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry but I don't find any qualifications that Oprah has to "teach" anything. If she wants to have an online discussion of the book and have the author comment on his writings fine. But to call it a class is absurd.

    She's a person who made a successful career in the television talk show genre that allowed her to have the funds to start her own studio and better promote her "flavors of the day".I see it as sort of buying your own publishing company to get your own books published.

    Kudos to her. I have no gripe with her, nor do I dislike her. I just don't equate fame with a superior knowledge or understanding of the universe.LOL I find it very odd that Oprah tries to counsel people on weight, marriage and children on her show when she has failed miserably with the first and has no experience with the latter two. She cherry-picks "experts" to back her latest opinion. Of course they know they will sell more of whatever they are peddling so are happy to appear on her show, allowing her to interrupt them and look like she is all wise and knowing of what they speak.

    It's a fun show to watch. I sometimes do. But it bemuses me that so many are so in awe of this television personality that they will go so far as to take everything she and her flavors of the day say as gospel. "Cult" was just a figure of speech for these people.

    If she wants to recommend a book she has found informative or just a good read, fine. I may pick up and read it. But I am quite capable of forming my own opinions about it without being walked through it by Oprah and its author.

    I find her "sad" because she always always seems to be seeking answers. Not general knowledge but answers. If you took an average person on the street who was jumping from one book guru to the next seeking answers you might find her a bit "dotty". But Oprah is insulated from that opinion because her followers see her as wise and all knowing for some strange reason. I just don't get it.

    This is a serious question because I really don't know. Can anyone cite a time when Oprah discussed a book on her show and gave a real opinion that actually disagreed with something the author said?

  • bulldinkie
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I agree with wildchild...I was hoping shed retire but looks like she needs to do better..Is that possible???

  • deamn
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I also agree with wildchild. And it irritates me also that she will have some expert on her show and as that person is explaining something, she will interrupt with 'her opinion'. I really want to hear what the expert has to say. Geez, wait until the other person is finished talking!

    Yes, she has done alot for other people. But she is only using it to promote herself.

  • zayarayama
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Amen wildchild!

  • hale_bopp
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I agree with Wildchild and Deamn said what I was thinking, that yes, she has done a lot for people, but giving shouldn't be so publicized. It's a personal thing, not- look how great I am that I'm giving this or that. JMHO.


  • sue_va
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This subject is so timely in my thinking. I am not a "fan" of Oprah or any of those TV personalities who begin their shows with being worshiped by an ovation of clapping, screaming and near bowing down by the audience.

    Oprah's early life may have had troubles, but so have thousands of others. I think it is fantastic that she has overcome that and has become successful. I watch an occasional show depending on who the guest is. As for her intellectual capabilities, I haven't seen any evidence of that.

    I lost my last ounce of regard for her when she put her name on the girl's school in Africa. I was always taught: when you do your giving, do it in secret, not for honor or acclaim.

    The reason I say this subject is timely to me is that just a couple days ago when I heard something, again, about her, I thought "she just needs to get over herself."


  • donna37
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Amen, Wildchild. Look what her promoting Dr. Phil has accomplished! Nothing good that I can see and now we find out he is not even licensed in Ca.
    I have never watched her show and get what little I know from reading various sources.

  • angela_nor_calif
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Exactly what Haley said. If she would do good and not have to tell everyone about it, then I would think a lot more of her. She has to tell you exactly how much she gave or what she has done and over and over again. A lot of celebrities donate money and time and you never hear about it. They just do it to do it not for the notoriety. I used to like her a lot but I think she has gotten a really big head.

  • Kathsgrdn
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I agree with Wildchild too. I used to watch her all the time but finally quit a few years ago, after yet another "pat yourself on the back" show she did. She'd have people on who raised money for this or that, they'd come on and everyone would tell them how wonderful they were. I got the feeling that everyone on that show only did what they did so they could be on her show.

    I do agree that she does a lot to help others but it's always in the public eye. Why is that?

  • sjarz
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    When Wildchild first said that she thought Oprah was sad, I found that to be the most interesting comment, and I mulled that over for a few days.
    I have to say I couldn't agree more with what she has said, and in many ways she stated exactly what I feel about the whole 'Oprah phenomenon'. It is so incredibly annoying to have her interrupt the speaker constantly, or just when they start to speak she cuts to a commercial. I've thought for a long time it must be very annoying to be a guest on her show.
    As for the 'class' - haven't heard about it, don't want to be involved.
    As for the 'big give' - didn't watch it, but I'm sure we'll here about it ad nauseum for quite some time. I just hope that now that it's aired we can dump the commercials all over the internet as they are really annoying.
    Very well said, Wildchild, couldn't have possibly said it better myself!
    Sorry if my opinion offends those who think Oprah walks on water - I couldn't agree more that she needs to get over herself.
    Suzan J

  • lunchlady1948
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    AWWWW come on ladies Bestlawn was only asking IF anyone was going to join in online with the class. I checked it out but do not have time and really am not interested but I will cruise through the book at the book store.

    I never watch 'O' she does not interest me, but I have read several books on her list usually a couple of years before they get on her list:)

    Bestlawn I understand what you are saying I personnaly love Dr Phil~~~makes everyone in my family and friends gag I would be jumping up and down to see his show~~~I do not like all of his shows and I do turn them off alot. I am interested in New Age stuff all the time it is interesting, I take what I want and leave the rest.

    The one thing I am working the most on now and it is a struggle is not to be a Hater.

    Peace Out Ladies

  • zayarayama
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just one more note... I have lost what little respect for Oprah I had when I found out she is promoting this New Age garbage. Here are a few lines about this book..

    A Course in Miracles is allegedly "new revelation" from "Jesus" to help humanity work through these troubled times. This "Jesus"who bears no doctrinal resemblance to the BibleÂs Jesus ChristÂbegan delivering his channeled teachings in 1965 to a Columbia University Professor of Medical Psychology by the name of Helen Schucman.

    One day Schucman heard an "inner voice" stating, "This is a course in miracles. Please take notes."8 For seven years she diligently took spiritual dictation from this inner voice that described himself as "Jesus." A Course in Miracles was quietly published in 1975 by the Foundation for Inner Peace. For many years "the Course" was an underground cult classic for New Age seekers who studied "the Course" individually, with friends, or in small study groups.

    Although I know we should not discuss religion on here, I will just say this whole New Age thing is ludicrous.

  • taigen_gw
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well bestlawn...I guess it's just you and me. Yes I have signed up and I am reading the book, which for me is a huge deal as I am NOT a reader at all. I hate to sit and read, I would rather be doing.
    I am not a huge Oprah fan and seldom get to watch her programs...but I do admire many of the things she has done over the years. I think the media plays a role in building her up to greater than gold.
    Last fall I took part in a PRH worshop and was pleased with it....this book, the New Earth, falls very much into place with the workshop I took. It is about recognizing yourself, the true self, and making decisions and living life from there. It is very interesting and I am on chapter 5 right now, there are only 10 or 12 chapters I beleive.
    My philosophy has always been to be a life long learner and to see the beauty in all....I feel this book falls into place with what I already believe.

  • minnie_tx
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    From what I've read it is a disguised new age religious movement I'll stick with the whole teachings of Jesus. You asked and that is all I'll say on the subject.

  • angela_nor_calif
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    "I think the media plays a role in building her up to greater than gold."

    Sorry but she does a great job of telling you herself just how much she does and how much she donated, etc. I haven't actually heard the media say much about her.

  • uxorial
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    bestlawn--there is a current thread on the Home Decorating forum about the book. Perhaps one of the people who responded to that thread can answer your questions.

  • Happy_Go_Lucky_Gayle
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you Uxorial,

    A more positve light shed on the "subject" at that forum.

    BTW! I purchased the book.


  • lydia1959
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I won't sign up for the class, but will probably buy the book. There are a lot of customer reviews (both good and bad) in the link below.

    I have no problem with Oprah...she does tend to butt in with her thoughts and maybe she does "brag" a bit about her charitable gifts...but look here at the KT and you'll see that we are pretty good at doing similar things. Maybe after her class she will put aside her 'ego' and change her ways?? :-)

  • grammahony
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No, I won't be signing up. I'll stick with my current beliefs in Jesus. I like Oprah, but I don't think she walks on water. I think she does a lot of good with her money, even if she does tell about it herself. I hate when she talks while she has food in her mouth. Her friend Gail does it too. And smack while they chew too. ICK. I love seeing that cutie Nate Burkas on her show. I like Dr. Phil too. If I don't care for the subject that day, I'll watch Montel. I may be going to see the Dr. Phil show again when Mom and I go to Los Angeles around Easter.

  • LorifromUtah
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I won't be signing up because I'm not an Oprah fan for all of the above listed reasons and more. For one, I get of her continually bringing up her poor it happened three days ago. I stopped watching her regularly when her and Gayle drove across country and Oprah couldn't pump her own gas and then refused to stay in a motel room because it was icky. The motel was built in the side of a mountain. Lots of families would have loved to stayed there just for the adventure but it was beneath her. She REALLY lost me last month when she brought up a lawsuit that had happened ten freakin' years ago, that she won and she STILL comes across as the victim. Victim my big butt.

    The answer to the question?

    I won't be signing up for Oprah's New Earth Classes.


  • anettemartinrn
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I dont know anything about her New Earth class, but I dont care for Oprah. In the same way I dont care for talk shows, or judge shows, or dr Phil type shows, or a whole lot of other things on television.
    It's great that she gives money and posessions away. But as someone (cant find who) already pointed out, to do it in public makes it it's own reward.

    Is this a new age religion type thing? If so, I certainly am glad I will not be involved.
    New age "religions" are sad to me. Looking at every new book or speaker or guru "du jour" as the guiding force for your life speaks of a feeling of lostness.

  • aprilflower
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have not purchased the book yet, funds are currently low and I'd like to find it used if I can.

    I did sign up for the class, mostly out of curiosity. I am always looking for ways to make the world around me a better, easier place to live in, so I figure it can't hurt to check it out. If it ends up being something that goes against any of my personal fundamental beliefs, then I'll just not continue. But if it's something that I'll end up getting something out of, then all the better. :-)


  • bunglogrl
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I signed up for the class. I'm only about half way through the book and I am learning from it. It's not a religious tome, only someone who hasn't read it would think that it is. In fact, it claims that religions, to a large extent, became divisive over time, rather than a unifying force. Taigen gave a good synopsis.

    Oprah? I think she's just like the rest of us, except she's been rich for so long that she's out of touch with middle class people. She shares her likes, dislikes, good deeds, struggles, favorite shoes or whatever on her show - just as we do on this board. Yep, she interrupts and inserts her opinion during her own show. I know plenty of blow-hards like that in real life (they need a show). Telling the same old stories about themselves - trying to enlighten us lesser mortals about something they think they know - using their mystical powers to judge other peoples intentions. At least Oprah admits that she's still a work in progress, like the rest of us, while real-life know-it-alls seem to think they have nothing left to learn.

    I don't watch every show, but I do appreciate that she tries to do SOME good with such a public forum. At this point in her career, she could easily just interview authors and celebrities about their latest projects and make just as much money. Good on her for mixing in some substance between makeovers and movie stars!

  • alisande
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well said, Bunglogrl.

  • bigfoot_liz
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    yes i signed up for the class but just realized it starts at 9pm est and i can't stay up for it. hopefully there will be a rebroadcast so i can watch it tomorrow between 7-8pm. i've been reading the book but fell behind on my schedule this past week, i wanted to finish over the weekend. BTW there is a workbook to print (3 pgs) for tonights class. this would not normally be the 'type' of book i'd read. i'm very anti-religious and the funny thing about many of the previous posters is that they would probably enjoy it even more than i do, or atleast already understand the relativeness of the passasges.

    i am interested in learning all the time and this book is really about learning about yourself, relating to others and your outward view of the world. if you are into psychology this would be an interesting read as it brings in psych principles mixed w/ various religions in general w/o the turn off of 'i am this & you are not so your are wrong/bad/going to hell'. cant wait to finish reading! ~ liz

  • bestlawn
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes, very, very well said, Bunglogrl.
    Thanx so much, Liz, for your take and a better understanding of the book.

  • aprilflower
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Liz - I think I read that tonight's class will be available tomorrow on her website.

  • wildchild
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You know I was listening to "Money Talk" one day and the host was talking about how the truly rich spend their money.He said that when one first makes or comes into a large sum of money they will go out and spend it. First they will get rid of all their debt. Then they will build a new home and maybe a vacation home elsewhere. After that they will buy some new toys such as cars, boats maybe even a plane. They dine at the finest places. At some point though there is nothing left to spend their money on. You can only buy so many new things. The fine food is no different than McDonalds to the average Joe. All that is left is to invest, grow the money and give it away.

    If the person is fortunate they have spouses, children and other loving family to share their good fortune with. That is what really counts in the end.

    What does Oprah have? An empire with friends she had to "buy". Do we ever hear of Oprah's family? Her siblings? Nieces and nephews?

    You cannot find a bio on her that has any true depth. Her Grandma taught her to read early. She skipped grades in elementary school. How high were the academics at that school at the time? Perhaps most other students were from perhaps low social economically, illiterate families who didn't have Grandmas who read.

    Her college years years are skimmed over. The highlight was that she has a degree in drama and speech communications. Perfectly fine courses of interest but they certainly don't fall into the brainiac category.

    Allegedly she was molested and raped by an uncle and cousins. No real documentation can be found. How old was the uncle? Nine, nineteen or forty. Nobody seems to know. I don't disbelieve the allegations but I would be curious to know the extent.

    Oprah it seems has written her own history. She seems to have enough monetary clout to buy off those that would delve deeper (or sue them).

    So let's compare. I am no where near rich,nor will I ever be. I played doctor with an older boy when I was very young (I was four and he was 6) so I guess I could say I was molested too if I want to be a "victim".

    When I go I won't have hoards of strangers "mourning" me but I will have real family that will miss me. I can move freely about without a camera crew. I have the joy of knowing how to make a nice meal for someone. I don't need a personal chef and a personal trainer on site to keep me honest when I go on a diet. I have enough self-esteem that I don't need to read books on what to think and how to live my life. I have a husband who loves me with all my warts I him with his. I have successfully raised 2 grown children who not only still talk to me but enjoy time spent with me. I have dogs that worship me. I have computer skills that allow me to reach out to friends and family whenever and wherever. I can dress myself and put on my own make-up and I can go on a real road trip. I can skate,fish,camp,go target shooting,eat a burger,get fat,get thin,laugh or pout,ride a motorcycle,go to the county fair,go to breakfast in pajamas with my Red Hat group,dress up as a pirate and hit the town with my DD when it's not Halloween,live, love and laugh. FREEDOM

    Trade places with Oprah? Not on your life.

  • bunglogrl
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes. Tonight's class will be available tomorrow on the website and as a podcast.

    I tried to attend tonight, but I gave up after 30 minutes with the feed stuttering and stopping. I think a worldwide class is too much for my machine - and I have a very fast connection.

    Here's what I got between stutters:
    It started with Oprah and the author talking about how he came to write the book. Then they discussed the first part of the book about 'ego' and becoming conscious. I gave up and logged off after the first viewer video question. A lady from the midwest was asking about how to reconcile something or other in the book with Christian rules. Her skype connection was too spotty for me to get the entire question.

    The book is a very slow read (for me anyway). I think hearing the author discuss it will make it easier to absorb the concepts. I look forward to downloading it tomorrow.

    I agree Liz, it is an interesting read. I'm not religious either and as I plod through it I find myself wishing some of my religious friends would give it a try.

  • bestlawn
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    And that was the saddest of all!

  • bestlawn
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry, I didn't see you there, Bunglogrl

  • Chemocurl zn5b/6a Indiana
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No, I won't be joining, though I really like Oprah and what she stands for.

    Love Dr Phil too, fwiw...


  • wildchild
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What's sad?

  • goldedger
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I did sign up but didn't get to watch much of it, like Bunglogrl my connection kept freezing and I gave up. Most likely that was due to heavy traffic on that website. I like reading all kinds of books and especially "self-help" books that just might contain a pearl of wisdom that will guide me to being a better human being........I don't know any living saints and figure all of us could use a little improvement!!

    Sorry about jumping in on this post, I've been reading the threads here for quite awhile and usually enjoy the tone of this forum.........usually rather open minded and friendly.
    I do try to live by the old adage........"If you can't say something nice about someone, say nothing at all"

    By the way I think Oprah does a lot of good in this world and that's enough for me.

  • pattico_gw
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile.

    patti....(in her best Shirley Temple voice and smile)

  • wildchild
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That's nice Patti.

  • User
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I don't follow Oprah or Dr Phil. They're larger than life to me. Dr Phil annoys me - how can a fat guy write a book on weight loss? How come he's not skinnier. His shows are like reading a one paragraph blurb on a problem. I heard he's not really nice to work with when the show isn't on (I dunno) and Oprah I liked her early, early shows but now she's larger than life and full of herself to me. As for the course - I do enjoy reading those books if they make me feel good inside but it's personal for me.
    If you feel good reading the book and taking the course that's all that really matters. It's a personal thing.

  • Pieonear
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I used to really like Oprah back in the early days when she was just....Oprah. Now she is a whole different person. Even her way of speaking has changed. To me she comes across as snooty and condescending. Of course we all change over the years, but hopefully for the better. JMHO

  • marilyn_c
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No. Not an Oprah fan. Agree very much with what Wildchild said. I'm happy to be me.

  • jennmonkey
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am not a big Oprah fan either and I do agree it's annoying that she is on the cover of her magazine EVERY single month...BUT...Nobody's perfect. Every single human has good and bad qualities. Same goes with Oprah, although I would say her good qualities probably far outweigh her bad qualities. I think she genuinely cares about making the world a better place and has done ALOT of good with her time and money, probably more than most people, so I admire her for that. I think she tries to inspire others to give back and that is main reason she talks about how she gives, she has certainly received enough kudos to last a lifetime. Even though we all know you should give just for the sake of giving, everyone likes a pat on the back and a "job well done" sometimes, even Oprah. Yes, she can be full of herself, but it would probably be a little hard not to be a little full of yourself with her life. All in all, I truly believe Oprah is a good person who tries her best to better the world the best way she knows how and I respect anyone who does that.

    I also think it is wonderful that people try to improve their lives or themselves in any way that works for them, including this class. I say whatever works for you...go for it!

  • okwriter
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I wish I had the time to at least look each day and see what's on Oprah. I don't though...and I don't read books. Nonetheless, I really like her. She seems like the kind of person who could come in and just be at home anywhere. She'd certainly be welcome here...

    Not that I am coming to Mallory's defense, but I do grow weary of seeing every single thread at the KT turned into a bash-fest. It would be one thing if a thread was titled, "Let's BASH so-and-so." But when someone simply asks a question, I think it is inconsiderate to just pile on with 2x4s and start bashing.

    My mama taught me that if I can't say something nice, I shouldn't say anything. I don't always abide by that, but I try.

  • aspirit
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, I must say I was amazed that so many thought the same things I have for over three or four years about the "opra" persona.I might read the book. I think this is a case of someone believing "thier own press" as they used to say in the entertainment business. I have heard her make comments that if any one else had made them... well lets just say perhaps she is not as enlightened, or removed from the human problems as she would like us to believe.

  • workoutlady
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    When I first clicked on this thread, I thought it was about how to "save" the earth - you know, how to go green, lol! I guess that shows how much I watch Oprah. After reading the posts, I'd have to say I won't be joining in. I hate to read books about new age type stuff. I have my own beliefs and I'm not interested in changing them.

  • cream_please
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If Oprah is promoting it, I don't want any part of it.
    I feel sorry for her. How do you ever get back to sane thinking when you go as far off the track as she has gone?

  • Happy_Go_Lucky_Gayle
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I don't understand people who don't want to seek a higher self. Forget Oprah. It is a search for a better self. Doesn't everyone desire a better self. I certainly do.

    Just believing in a Religion doesn't make you righteous. I don't believe that sitting on a Church Pew for 1 hour a week makes anyone a Spiritual Giant.

    You don't want to learn how to have more quality in your life? Are you (like Oprah) saying you already have the answers and you practice it. Not Day by Day but Moment to Moment.

    Please if you have that much knowledge maybe you should have your own show.

    It is all about "What is really important to you". Do you help friends and Neighbors? Do you volunteer in your community? Do you live without unimportant things like...nice jewelry, designer clothes, furs? Are you showy? What kind of car do you drive? Is it for Prosperity and Show or because you "needed it"?

    Bestlawn, asked "Will you be watching?" That's all. It was a "month" ago. Get over it. You are don't even know what the book is about. It is an Oprah Bash. Why shoot the Messanger?

    Sorry I'm having a bad day.

  • bestlawn
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Gayle, I'm more worried about you than what these people are saying. You okay?

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