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Disinterested gc or am I too demanding?

14 years ago

I can't quite put my finger on it but I think my contractor is too busy with other jobs and my job is not anywhere even near the middle of the list. He seems very disinterested in anything I have to say. I think he would prefer not to speak with me.

Here are my concerns:

 He often has a bemused look on his face when I have some questions, comments about the reno

 He often does not remember discussing things/items with me. I have decided to have all concerns etc sent by email as well as discuss by phone or in person.

 He has not been on site since Wed Mar 10

 Last week was drywall and mudding. Only one guy on the jobsite each day. He installs the sheetrock and muds. There are several fans going but no shop vac in all week so dust is just blowing all over the house inspite of plastic.

 IS it unreasonable to expect some vacuuming between coats to keep the dust down? I called the gc on Friday and asked if I could do some vacuuming on the weekend but they never brought the shop vac....

 I also asked when he will be on site next so I could re-arrange my work schedule and meet with him. He said he would let me know on the weekend. No call came. I am a little flexible but I do need some notice in advance in order to switch my hours

 DH is off on Monday (today) and I was very surprised when I called him from work at 2pm to find out no one came here at all today!

 I called the gc and asked what was up, his answer was "well you called me". When I explained that no one came to the house, he seemed surprised. Then he said he would look into it. I asked him to call me back and let me know but so far no return call?

I am really not sure what I should do. He originally said the cabinets would be installed about Mar12. And I understand we have needed more dry walling than anticipated. I do not want to be unreasonable but I no longer know what reasonable is?

There are some floor repairs that still need to be done before cabinets can be installed. I thought that could have happened at the same time as drywall but perhaps not?

After advancing my fridge delivery date twice, I have now postponed it indefinitely.

Should I just back off and let things proceed as is?

Is it normal not to have any conversation with the gc for days at a time? Shouldn't I voice my concerns while it is still early in the project and therefore easier to rectify?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for letting me vent.

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