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lard making ...all done...

12 years ago

I started with 11 # of fat. 1 # was actual leaf lard and the rest was slabs of snow white fat from a sow. After trying 4 different ways to render it ( stove top in Le Creuset and iron pots and granite Lusk bakers in oven) we settled on the oven as the very best using my grandmother's iron skillets and Mom's Lusk granite ware. Top of stove is terrible and slow. Convection ROCKS !! We went from 250 - 300 . We got rid of all of the water...I had added 1/2-1 c in each large pot to make sure it didn't burn. Won't do that again as it wasn't needed. I learned a lot...including ...we don't like cracklin's. Sorry even with salt...bleech ! out they went.

We poured off the fat when it melted sufficiently and put it through cheesecloth. Almost didn't need to do that since the fat was so clean and clear. The taste is wonderful and very very light. DH was a WONDER. He was calm and cleaned everything up afterwards...even made me lunch and we ate on the patio in the sun.

So here is a slide show..had to wash up to use the camera :) I ended up with 10 pints from 11 # , a great return on my investment...0 $ ...haha. Butcher said take what you want. Will post when we make our Italian cookies with our strutto.

Here is a link that might be useful: Lard making

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