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The Great Banana Bread Challenge, 2010

13 years ago

For weeks now, well a couple months actually, I've had a hankering for banana bread. Nobody brings me banana bread anymore. (sniff, sniff) And this is just one of those things I've never made, from scratch. Not sure why. I suppose because people used to bring me banana bread... and zucchini bread, lemon bread... Geez, I had it pretty good for a while! :D I've made Rhubarb Bread and other types, easy enough and great. And my rhubarb doesn't grow anymore so I don't have rhubarb and I have a thing about paying for rhubarb when it's in such abundance in the summertime. Next summer's project: Move rhubarb plants out of the shade. Back to bananas.

So I decided if I was to have any, I had to do it myself and was looking around at different recipes. Can't be that hard. Look at some of the people that have made it! Can't be any worse than rhubarb bread either. So I sorted through dozens of recipes and narrowed it down to half a dozen to a dozen that sounded good and workable. Thus, the Great Banana Bread Challenge, 2010, was born. And I then got it down to the first 2 that I wanted to try and see which I liked better. Bought bananas and they weren't ripe enough for most recipe sources. So they sat. And sat. And sat. Don't remember if it's two weeks now or three but there's been sufficient reasons putting off making it too. Worked late, had to get outside work done on the beautiful days, some days I just hurt too much, and so on. Today? I told myself this is it. Nice dark bananas - would be a shame to not at least try it right?

I dug out the ingredients. That I could find. (Insert excuse here) But I realized I wouldn't be able to do two loaves today, it's getting later and I'm getting stiff and sore. One will suffice and another later or tomorrow, OK? OK! Plop, plop, mix, mix, stir, stir, dump and bake. Forget a couple things, no big deal. And after about an hour, here's what comes out of the oven:

Ten minutes later, onto the rack to cool:

It looks edible... Now to let it cool completely.

Several recipes also suggest leaving it a day for better flavor. Not sure *that* is going to happen. We'll see. Three bananas left for round 2. Stay tuned...

Oh, and in case the rack looks familiar... yes, it's one of the racks from the ever-so-versatile Nesco! (Hey, it was handy, and perfect size.) I didn't use the Nesco, or Nesc, as I call her, because I was hoping to make more than one loaf, and also was cooking a meatloaf, and thought about some biscuits too... how plans change, huh? Oh well, meatloaf and banana bread done. Not bad.

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