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New whimsical CL chair re-do, almost done!

11 years ago

Bronwynsmom and splitrock saw part of a chair I am working on in a post about painting an old coffee table.

I am almost embarrassed to show you the original pic from the Craigslist ad, in light of the junk we've been seeing lately, as this would certainly be considered that - a broken antique chair up in the north woods of Maine. Luckily I have a friend who travels up that way every weekend and he met the seller at a truck stop at 6 AM one Monday morning.

BEFORE! Scary, huh? Craigslist ad photo of $15 chair

AFTER/ almost done. I need to pad, cover and do the welt on the dark areas of the arms.

I repaired the arm's missing wood with a product that tinker2006 had used on an old buffet that she'd repaired and painted, Abatron Wood Restoration. GREAT product.

It's painted in Annie Sloan chalk paint, Old Ochre base and Country Grey topcoat, then sanded and waxed with clear Butcher's Wax.

The fabric is vintage - 'Pedigree' by Bloomcraft. I didn't have quite enough, and found a remnant on eBay last week that is on the front of the upper back. The back is done in a 25 cent sample of Stroheim and Romann plaid that cost well over $100 a yard! I had just enough and it blends beautifully with the colors in the dog fabric.

My luck continued as I looked for fabric to make the welt cord. I found this stripe at a local Maine store called Marden's Surplus and Salvage!! That's how desperate I was, and it's perfect for a whimsical chair.

I may have made an alignment error. I was so wrapped up in centering the lower dog's head and the yellow pillow on the settee on the back, that when I stood back later, I realize that I probably should have centered the pagoda that the lower dog is on, rather than the dog! I've produced a 'factory second'!

Splitrock, I am just a novice, and I learned everything I know by reading online blogs and watching YouTube videos. Those pros can tell you and show you more than I ever could. It's really fun, if you are into crafty type things. I urge you to try it.

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