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a vision of a home...

16 years ago

I gave my mother a copy of Country Living Cottage Gardens for Yule. Winters in Maine are long, cold and drab, and I thought she could use some "garden eye candy" to tide her over until spring - she is the green thumb in the family. With her permission, I wanted to share with you all an excerpt from the thank-you note she sent me, because she created such a lovely "word picture" of a home and its gardens. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.


"I had saved my book 'Cottage Gardens' for just such a day as today... [brother is] finally off to work and the house is all mine...I can sit and imagine to my heart's content. Nobody to wonder why I stare out onto drifts of snow or know I'm seeing roses bloom heavily on my picket fence at twilight, the air heady with their scent....I can daydream I started my gardens twenty years ago and finally they are as I always pictured them to be; at full glory, bursting their borders, bowed down with bloom, narrow pathways rough with native stone and pebbles leading to secret corners and bowers seducing you to sit, linger a while, enjoy...

"There's a photo at the beginning of the book of a traditional English cottage, thatched roof with center chimney, wide windows gracefully eyebrowed and an wide open door to the gardens in the foreground. It's the little house I dreamed of years ago, the one I'd choose should I have the choosing...I can almost give you an inch by inch detail of the interior, lovely old pieces, picked up here and there. Everything a bit shabby, nothing new, only well loved and well used bits I keep well scrubbed and polished like cherished children...Floral prints, stripes and plaids, intermingled because I like them, not because it's a 'style'.....

"Here and there a really nice piece, a handsome pottery pitcher filled with peonies, the leaves still beaded with dew on a antique cherry sideboard or maybe a simple bowl of roses on a gleaming mahogany tabletop surrounded by pictures of my loved ones in ornate silver frames. Whatever suits my fancy of the moment...An old china tea service for two on the coffee table alongside a stack of books I haven't gotten to yet because it's garden time and I'm outside, digging in a new delivery of compost, dividing bulbs, opening new gardens at the side and rear of the house...Hollyhocks by the weathered woodshed and maybe some of these foxgloves by the clotheslines...a few more phlox along the fence...the days aren't long enough to plant and transplant everything I see in my mind's garden...Already I'm mentally planning next year...ordering daffodil bulbs to plant in the Fall under the fir and pine, the grapevine arbor I want to weave so my next planting of sweetpeas can grow close to my bedroom window and fill the house with their sweet check and see if the budget will stretch to send for the brass Peter Rabbit I want peeking out from under the the cabbage leaves next year... I chuckle at the thought of Peter's touch of whimsy in the garden....surounded by seriously high fences against the ever hungry woods creatures...

"Those same creatures who now come out in the moonlight, walking single-file across the snow, and leave their tracks behind to show they too visited my imaginary gardens... the deer family and the rabbits, do they dream of lush green gardens, full of beans and peas, pumpkins and corn growing where only snow abides tonight... Do they gather under frosted limbs and winter skies and also wish for spring to come?"

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