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How to get out of co-owning house with angry daughter

I will call her Sue. The house was suppose to be mine but Mom left it to the both of us. Sue is 18 and blames me for everything that is wrong in her life. I've tried wracking my brain to figure out how to get out of this situation.

She sleeps all day and plays video games all night. She won't lift a finger to help with chores. I pay all the bills including her food.

She has been ranting at me for 30 minutes now basically about what an idiot I am. I have to work here in this house and doing that is difficult as unhappiness permeates all around me and makes concentrating hard.

I thought about giving my half of the house to my sister, but why would she want that? Can I give it to my daughter even if she doesn't want it? I've offered up the solution that I give her the house and move to an apartment and then she can pay all the bills and crazy taxes. That's when she gets nice again but it is temporary. Sometimes I just want to kill myself- I know that's an awful thing to say but I am tired.

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