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18 years ago

Today's New York Times ("dead-tree" Magazine and online [registration required]) has an article on "lifehackers" -- people who investigate ways to organize our chaotic lives, most frequently centered around technology. The article is six "pages" long (on-line) but is worth finding the time to read. I think it does an excellent job of quantifying the energy we expend in our lives.

I've been spending a lot of time on a site mentioned in the article, called 43 Folders. Tons of good ideas on how to organize one's life -- and many of them call for no technology whatsoever. Also worth some time. I found I spent far more time on that site than I initially intended, but I like the fresh approach to organization and it works for me in a way the Flylady system never did. Recommended.

Here is a link that might be useful: 43 Folders

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