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Pt. 2 -- Celticmoon's plan to combat hoarding

16 years ago

Okay, I'm missing the culling topics, missing the plan. I'm done with my shelving project, so I really would like to get back to pitching items of which I have too many. I think tre is away, but who else is still playing? Celtic, are you out there?

I'm looking at the list of stuff that folks culled before I jumped in. Alright, I'll weed through socks, sunglasses, and nail polish. He, he, he I'm starting to catch up . . .

Minor disclosure: I had a brief review of my closets today. Culled obvious items of clothing and shoes, but not feeling any joy from it. Feeling a little disappointed that I will have to suck it up and get rid of or try and consign some things I haven't worn. Ah, well, here's to open space for the clothes and shoes I love!


Comments (150)

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    tre, thanks for understanding how traumatizing that experience was! Almost done with the wretched task -- today I'm going to visit that last store just to know for sure I've seen every bathing suit in the Delaware Valley. But first I'm checking out the gardening supplies and tools in the shed and getting that area in order. I removed the porch and patio furniture already, so the space is fairly clear. It will be good to dust off the shelving, straighten the pots and tools and sweep the floor.


  • Miss EFF
    16 years ago

    I think I'm going to have a new thing on the culling list ........ ducks! Last night my one hen had 13 babies!!!! I have two drakes. I can handle 5-7 ducks on the farm because they are excellent at bug control.... but 16 is waaay too many!!! I won't have a plant in the pond!

    But they are sure too cute!!!!


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  • talley_sue_nyc
    16 years ago

    Tina, don't forget Sears, and the Lands End bathing suits

  • tre3
    16 years ago

    Clink I don't want any part of culling ducks or ducklings :) How does one do that or is ignorance bliss?

  • Miss EFF
    16 years ago

    Tre-- culling for some may mean dinner plans. Since I insist on playing with them and naming them -- it will mean finding wonderful homes for them! My chickens and ducks live wonderful full lives out here..... lots of food and goodies and love.

    Sometimes to DH's dismay -- but he is as big as softie as I am.


    PS -- Ya know -- I have never walked into a bead store or a scrapbooking store for the very reasons you say. The stuff is wonderful -- but I am trying to convince myself that I have too many hobbies already and I don't need another one. On the other hand -- I am a tremendously intersting person!!! So I think!!!

  • tre3
    16 years ago

    Clink I am relieved to find out that culling doesn't involve eating. I can't be closely associated with anything that could end up on the dinner table! I wish I had the property to offer to take a few off your hands. Although, it is probably good that I am limited to my suburban lot and those of my neighbors!
    I had my first scrapbook store experience today. What a dangerous place. Staying out is wise. You sure seem interesting to me! And wisdom dictates that we can't do everything...ha-ha-ha!

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    tre, I think Clink's comment about dinner plans meant . . . you know . . .

    Okay, I'm back from the final shopping stint, and ladies, we have another winner! So, I brought another bathing suit home, and this is my plan: I will continue my exercise routine for the next three weeks and the bathing suit that looks best the day before we leave wins. Whew! Thank goodness that's over.


  • talley_sue_nyc
    16 years ago

    she meant, "for some [other people] may mean dinner plans..."

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago


  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Okay, I thought I understood, but just realized differently. Talley sue, you're saying that she meant that *for other people who have ducks, culling may mean dinner plans*?

  • Miss EFF
    16 years ago

    I'll clarify. I am not a vegetarian and I enjoy all types of poultry, beef and pork and fish. That being said -- my ducks are my pets as are my chickens and cats. If and when I get sheep -- they will be pets.

    But I only have 2 little acres and 16 ducks is about 10 too many!! I wouldn't have a flower left and since my business is to sell flowers..... I would have lots of little stems.

    Who knew she would hatch so many???? Last year, my hen hatched one. Some ducks don't go "broody" well --- Buffy sure did take to it. I'm hoping that next week when the farm opens ---- some one will love to have a pet duck or two!!!


  • Plow_In
    16 years ago

    Wish we could cull some Canada geese in this town!

    Back to "Pipe dreams" --- what do your DHs say when you talk about pipe dreams? Mine can tell when I'm dreaming up things, and he gets very nervous and even annoyed when I talk about those thoughts, even though I am not really intending to put the plans into action (mostly).

    And PS -- the truck came and picked up our junk. What a relief! Of course, the next day I found 3 more things I should have put out, and, darn, they won't fit in the garbage cans. Oh well.

  • tre3
    16 years ago

    Plow in, Sorry you didn't catch everything. Isn't that the way it is for everyone? Celebrate lightening your load and getting rid of lots of other junk. Hurray!

    I am getting rid of a broken garage refrigerator today when they bring the new scratch and dent model! Its suppoosed to reach 93 here today so I may end up working down in the cool basement.

    Glad the duckling have a chance to find a new a pet!

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Plow in -- Those pipe dreams are for my own enjoyment. I find if I tell my husband about that kind of thing he gets anxious. You know how men are -- so action oriented. He doesn't like to waste time thinking about something if it's an exercise in futility. I actually have a little notebook in which I keep artistic or creative ideas. Whenever I have a creative spark, I write it down, no matter whether I think I'll ever do it. It's just really easy to forget unusual ideas, and I like revisiting my thought process. I'll write down the project end result, but I'll usually describe the how-to steps and the point behind it or some description of how I thought of the idea. There are still a couple of things I think I might eventually do, but if I hadn't written them down I don't think there would ever have been a chance of that.


  • harriethomeowner
    16 years ago

    I haven't been at all involved in this project, though reading about it, but I have to share this: I gave away a whole bag of shoes that weren't actually falling apart. This is a big deal for me. All the women in our family have big feet (size 11 and 12), so we tend to hoard shoes because it's so hard to find them. This year I realized that size 12 is really better for me than 11, and then realized that most of my shoes need to go because I'll probably never wear them again. My giveaway bag included 2 pairs of Rockport walking shoes, the shoes I wore to my wedding, some pristine black velvet pumps, and some others I don't even want to think about. But they are all gone -- hope someone out there will be able to use them.

  • tre3
    16 years ago

    Congrats to you Harriet! Getting rid of anything in good/great condition is tough. No doubt you made some other woman delirious with your shoes :)

  • talley_sue_nyc
    16 years ago

    there will be a woman delirious with happiness bcs she found size 11 shoes at the Goodwill!

    (I have EE feet, and have sort of the same hoarding tendencies. I have some shoes I really should ditch, bcs the heels are higher than I'm comfortable wearing anymore)

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Harriet, what an accomplishment. It is so hard to part with shoes that are still in good shape. The up side of that is now your closet contains only shoes that fit you.


  • tre3
    16 years ago

    What's everyone culling over the weekend?

    I am culling weeds!

    Over the past week I've gotten rid of a broken garage refrigerator, lots nd lots of fabric and multiple bags of misc. stuff.

  • jannie
    16 years ago

    I have so much craft supplies (knitting needles, yarn, embroidery kits,plaster craft kits,scrapbooking supplies,craft books, etc ,etc, ) that if I never bought anything new and just did the crafts I now own, I will never finish by the end of my life. I promise to throw out something/anything.

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    I'm culling flab. I'm off to do my 5 mile walk this morning.

    We have dinner guests again tonight, so I'll be setting up and cooking this afternoon. I never got to clean and organize the shed like I planned earlier this week. Guess I'll try and get that done tomorrow.


  • tre3
    16 years ago

    Got rid of the knitting needles and crichet hooks this past week. Also donated odds and ends left over from school projects and kid crafts. I realized I just wasn't interested in doing any of the crafty things I owned. Someday if the craft bug strikes, I'll buy what I need.

    Flab!! What a great idea :) Was hoping that hours of hard gardening could be my exercise. Going back out!

  • tre3
    16 years ago

    Crochet hook...sorry.

  • southernsurfergirl
    16 years ago

    Hi everyone, I'm back and I've been following your progress. Everyone is doing great! :)
    I had my tonsils and adenoids taken out last month so I've mainly been sleeping. As soon as I got better, my sister and I went on holiday to San Francisco. But now we're back. So I haven't accomplished much at home yet.
    Celtic, congrats on having a nice closet. All of ours in our house are tiny and mostly stuffed. That's what I'm working on now. My dad went into like the front area of the house while my mom is out of town and removed four trash bags worth of paper. Just paper. I helped him take it outside before my mom could bring it back in. She doesn't know it's gone yet and she doesn't read this so it's awesome. I was afraid there would be like scorpions in it so I really didn't want to touch it but I did.
    Lena, good job on getting rid of your keys. Celtic, I like the glasses organizer. That's great!

    I actually got rid of a big bookshelf that was 6x4x5 that served mainly as our altar and had some storage for junk underneath. So I threw away most of the junk and am trying to find a smaller table or something for the altar. But the freed space looks really great.

    Clink, I would love to have some of your ducks! Also, I will post some pics of my progress when I make some. It's just me this weekend so I have a lot to do.

  • posie4u
    16 years ago

    I just stumbled on to this thread. I did a search looking for the first thread, but nothing turned up. Would one of you please post a link to the first thread. This is fascinating and something I desperately need.

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Posie4u, here's the link to the original thread:

    Link to Part 1

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Posie, for some reason I'm having trouble today creating a link. The actual name of Celticmoon's original thread to search for is: Too much stuff: my plan to combat hoarding


  • Miss EFF
    16 years ago

    I learned some new math this weekend -- one acre of flowers = one acre of weeds!! My hands are unbelievable but the beds are looking good. I'm almost thru planting. Might make it thru it yet. things are just about getting ready to bloom.

    I did get rid of an old bicyle. I had wanted it out of the barn for several weeks but since it was hanging on the ceiling --DH had to get on the ladder to get it down. DD came home and wanted it for "The Great Milwaukee Crappy Bike Ride" --- some how, I think this ride includes the drinking of Milwaukee's finest beverages!!!! Some friends get together and ride 25 miles on the lousiest bikes they can find. Actually, it sounds fun. And I got rid of the bicycle!!


  • tre3
    16 years ago

    I gave away a second wheelbarrow to my neighbor yesterday. I also hope to make a run to Habitat's Restore with a load of misc building/remodeling items.
    So, I guess you could say I am multi tasking...or scattered. Must focus on sewing room? But how to do this? The extra shelving unit I took out of sewing room could be used in either storage or garage. Do I just shove it somewhere else "in the meantime" or make room for it in another room? If I do that means rearranging, culling, and another big mess! Even though the sewing room isn't perfect right now, it is acceptable for round one of culling. Perfect entails finishing some rather time consuming projects along with my DH and I agreeing to let a few key items go. So, do I go on to the garage or storage room? If I do, I can get even more "stuff" out of my house and rooms. This will make the job of finally cleaning and organizing easier but means at least two sweeps through each area. Ideas, suggestions, and admonishments welcome!

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Southernsurfergirl, welcome back. Hope you are feeling better.

    Cathy, I admire your determination and energy! I can't imagine weeding on that scale. That's great you could get rid of the bike just in time for the crappy bike ride. That does sound like fun -- I'm picturing a slow, relaxed summertime ride.

    tre -- From what you're saying, it sounds like you would rather move on to the garage and/or storage room rather than having to create another big mess in order to make room for the shelving. While it is frustrating to have to go over things twice, sometimes it's preferable to having a large area torn apart. If it feels better to do things in layers, then by all means do so. There have been plenty of times I've taken this approach simply because the psychic stress of a big mess is too much for my husband, and I think it's more important to feel positive while you're in the midst of parting with things and creating new systems of organization. I'm sure the more experienced folks here will have some good advice on how to tackle your tasks.


  • celticmoon
    16 years ago

    I think I win. This weekend, I got rid of an incredibly ugly 10.5 foot giant old satellite dish parked 20 feet outside my kitchen that has tormented me for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an eyesore.

    Took 3 of us to lift it off the pole. Then took me hours to dismember it into pieces, bolt by bolt. Woke up DH, stacked it all into the Camaro with the top down and brought it to the dump. (tooling down the road was a sight.) I am deleriously happy that that THING is gone. (BTW, the satellite company did offer to take it back - for $500!! I don't think so. And monitoring Ebay and Craig's list, there appeared to be no interest. Duh. Wonder why.)

    Oh, and we ripped off all the rotted rail and seating around the deck.

    I've been a busy girl. Missed you guys... keep on culling!

  • teacats
    16 years ago

    Excellent work to all -- but Celtic -- your Scrap-the-Dish plan is truly amazing!! Way to GO! :) An amazing change!

    Yes -- some rooms/areas just may need several culling-and-ditching-and re-sorting before it all can be over -- fo the time being. Those are my "Phases" as in "Phase One" etc. Peeling back the layers! And then making the room work well -- and even look good!

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Celtic -- What a relief to have that big dish gone. It must have taken a lot of sweat and hard work to dismantle it, not to mention loading and transporting it to the dump. You are going like gangbusters, with working on the deck as well. This is bound to lead to a tremendous payout. Did you take any before and after pics?

    Finally just finished cleaning and organizing our shed. All the cobwebs are gone, floor is swept, and the tools and gardening stuff are now sitting neatly on the metal shelving unit. Snow shovels and rakes are off to one side. So much nicer to go in there now. I found all kinds of droppings and nuts and stuff all over the place. The rags in there were all chewed up . . . disgusting. I was a little nervous in the service while moving things, but didn't find any rodents, just spiders and crickets. I need to find some steel wool to stuff in the mouse hole, but otherwise I'm outta there!


  • tre3
    16 years ago

    Celtic I'm glad you're back. I've missed reading your entertaining and motivating posts! You do win. Getting that dish down, out of sight and off sight must feel just great. How wonderful to look out and not see it!

    Tina, good job on the shed. I too hate rodents, plus spiders and bugs in general. They may not know it, but we have an agreement. They stay out of my space and I don't bother them outdoors!

    I have been culling paint today down in the basement storage area. Trying to round up all the misc supplies Restore will take. The van is now loaded. Had to laugh because I went to double check their location only to find out that they aren't open on Mondays! Oh well, I didn't have any great need to drive anywhere today :)

    As a ping pong between spaces I've had another success. DH has agreed to give up ancient backpack with frame. He hasn't used it since college....a long time ago. I simply asked him if he was sure he still wanted it when I could see that maybe some homeless person would love it for their treasures. Of course I don't know who will end up owning it once it is donated. Thought it struck the right note for him though. Shameful of me!!!!

    Teacats you are right that these rooms will take many passes to peel back all the layers. I like that mental image.

    Back to see if I can find anything else to stuff in the van! Happy culling!

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    So, I'm down in the basement today rattling around looking for any gardening stuff that belongs in the shed, any stray items that are obvious to toss. I see a box on the shelves and have no idea what it is. (How quickly we forget . . . ) I pull it out to have a look and discover it's the boxed up kitchen culls I wasn't sure I wanted to part with. I immediately recalled how wonderful my entertaining experiences have been recently and the ease with which I've been able to perform tasks since all the extras were removed. I closed the box and marched it right upstairs and put it in the trunk of my car. I went back and brought out some other things I had tucked away "just in case", and out they went, too! Isn't it funny how time and experience make a decision so much easier?


  • tre3
    16 years ago

    "...Time and experience make a decision so much easier."

    YES! This is so similar to Teacats observation that sometimes you have to peel back the layers.

    As we realize that we haven't missed something, can't even remember it and have lived well without it, we can let it go. As we experience the ease of daily life, the opening of extra time without these objects we can let them go.

    I guess the lesson is that whether it takes multiple passses through a room or boxing things up for a trial period, what's important is that we get there.

    Congratulations Tina for not giving into the temptation to go thru those boxes again!

    Took my load to Habitat Resotre. Now that I have space available in the van, I'm off to Goodwill. Still about you?

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Today I weeded through a few categories, but none took much time. Started with pet stuff, getting rid of ratty cat toys and a fur removal "mitten" the cats hated. I found a really old leash and cheap collar, and this got me to thinking about emergencies. Many years ago I had to exit a burning building, and I ended up carrying a cat down outside steps in a snow storm without a collar or leash. I was lucky she had been so afraid she didn't try and get away. I've decided it would be prudent to have two collars and leashes for our current cats just to be safe. I also decided to get a second larger carrier and get rid of the one smaller one that neither cat can no longer fit in. So, tomorrow I'm going to the pet store and getting a bunch of new toys, collars, leashes, and a large carrier.

    Also worked on the kitchen drawer with plastic containers, weeding out mismatched lids/bottoms.

    tre, I was inspired by the organization of your mementos, so I looked through my hanging file and did some sorting and threw out pieces of memorabilia I no longer needed to keep. I removed family newspaper articles that I can put in an album of clippings I created at the same time I did my family photos. I'll have to think about whether I want to do anything further with what's left -- I do like the neatness factor of having things all together in a book.

    Next, I broached the subject of the Old Computer and Old Printer (that sit on the shelves in the basement, never to be used again) with my husband. I suggested that we should print out any documents that are important and then scrap both items. He agreed to print and delete his stuff -- yippie!!

    Finally, I looked at an unfinished craft project, a log cabin pattern quilt stored in a box under my bed. My MIL and I had taken a class together and we weren't able to finish the class because her mother became ill. The family spent a lot of time at the hospital and nursing home until she passed away, and my MIL and I never got back to finishing the quilts. A year later my MIL passed away. I found a local quilting group who finished the quilt for me, and that Christmas I gave it to my SIL. My plan has been to give my own unfinished quilt away, but today I decided that I want to keep that memory of the time I spent with my MIL and the work I had done. I sent an email to the quilting group who worked with my MIL's quilt asking for a referral for someone to complete my quilt, so we'll see what happens.


  • tre3
    16 years ago

    Tina, you are amazing! I can't get over how quickly you are getting so much done. I am envious! Is that super caffienated coffee you are drinking? :)

    A visit to the pet store sounds like fun. While I am trying not to bring new things into the house for the two legged members I never have problems picking up a toy for our dog. As I type, the porch is littered with toys and she prefers rocks and sticks! Could this be the dog equivelent to kids and boxes?

    I am in the process of driving my neighbors crazy with my give aways. Fuel for tiki torches ( I don't own any),charcoal for grilling (we have gas), half a bag of left over rock, an extra wheelbarrow, hangers for baby clothes, an umbrella stroller. Neighbors have asked if I've received a diagnosis they should know about!

    Keep culling! I need the motivation. Thanks!

  • talley_sue_nyc
    16 years ago

    Many years ago I had to exit a burning building, and I ended up carrying a cat down outside steps in a snow storm without a collar or leash.

    both of my cats would have shredded me by about the third step, and then they'd have been gone forever.

    I live in an apt. and don't want to keep the carrier assembled (in the old apt I had very little storage space; in the new, it's all jumbled). I figure, I'll zip the cat into a pillow case--it'll be faster. And I'll have to fight the cat less; mine sees the cat carrier and goes into evasion mode.

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    tre, I almost lost my coffee over your neighbor's comment -- that's so funny! Sounds like you're gaining lots of open space in your garage. Good for you!

    Thanks for the kudos. I have to admit those were really short and easy culls -- not nearly the kind of tasks that bog me down big time, like work in the basement or a storage area. No agonizing decisions involved in the process. The only thing I had to think about was my unfinished quilt. I'm not sure if I'm being a weenie by paying someone to finish my project, but I do have such fond memories of my MIL and that time we spent together. And I could look at the finished product and know that I sewed all the squares together quite nicely and be proud of that.

    Off to do my errands. I promised myself I would do a 5-mile walk later, so maybe I'll think about my list after.


  • tre3
    16 years ago

    No Tina, you aren't being a weenie to have someone else finsh the quilt. I give you alot of credit for getting it DONE! You are right. You'll see the quilt, remember fond times with your MIL and be thrilled to actually honor those memories and have it completed and out from under your bed. GO!

  • celticmoon
    16 years ago

    Sounds like you all are making great progress.

    I am being consumed, sucked dry, by this outdoor project which is getting more and more out of hand. Started with DH wanting a hot tub for his birthday in July. One thing led to another - though I'm still not sure how gutters crept into this project... I've vetted more tradespeople and learned more about building codes, concrete, decking, electricity, etc etc than my brain can handle. Oh, and tubs. Cripes, I don't even like hot tubs. I don't even like to be wet. I'm part cat. Sheesh.

    Good news is all the progress on the worst part of our yard. Ditching the 10 ft sattelite dish was huge. Salvaged my favorite perennial herbs and flowers and will be able to make a great new bed for them when the concrete guys get done. And we will have a real cement walkway rather than the ugly, heaving, crooked, weedy block walk that's been there forever.

    Cement guys asked if I wanted to keep the blocks. Obviously you know I thought I should, after all I might want to recreate that ugly walk somewhere else, right? I might need them someday, right? And they cost like a dollar each, so that would be money wasted if I need them later, right? Then the voice said, "No, Celtic! Cull! Cull! Remember? Cull!"

    I just watched the truck loaded with nasty old blocks pull away. Whew. That was a close one. Really. Thanks for the collective shout. I heard you.

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Okay, now I'm officially jealous. A hot tub is just what would knock my socks off -- my sweaty gym socks, that is! I would love to have a hot tub when my back aches, muscles are sore and tired, and just to wind down and relax at the end of the day. What a wonderful birthday gift you are giving your husband, Celtic. Isn't it funny how simple projects morph into larger, more complex projects? Okay, not so funny right now, but you know what I mean. I'm sure you're are going to have an amazing backyard when all is done. Oh, and, yes, I am glad you didn't hold onto those ugly blocks!

    Got all my cat stuff at the pet store and had a good workout at the gym. I even stopped at the Salvation Army to drop off those kitchen culls I found in the basement because they were making too much noise in my trunk. I'm pooped and saving my list for tomorrow morning. Now, if only I could have a nice soak . . .


  • tre3
    16 years ago

    Wow! Not only have you gotten rid of a 10ft eyesore but also a walking hazard! :)

    Good job on letting those nasty blocks go. Isn't funny how sneaky that inner hoarder is? I think this is a real sign of progress on many fronts.

    And just think, after all this project experience you could be a general contractor!!! Can't wait to see your pics.

  • celticmoon
    16 years ago

    They are pouring the concrete now. What a difference a week makes!

    On the culling/cleaning front, I did end up rounding up, cleaning up and organizing the flowerpots since I needed them for 'interim housing'. I believe they were on the list. And garden tools could sure use a once over....

    So Tre, I have an image of you depositing 'treasures' on neightbors' stoops, ringing the bell and running away, laughing madly.

    Ooooo, dump is open for computer recycling today. Guess where my 1993 Packard Hell is heading?

  • lobsterbird
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    We're having a couple of cooler days right now, so my husband and I are going to work on insulating the attic in the original part of the house. There's only a small entrance to that side and my husband is claustrophobic, so guess who has to squeeze into the scary, dark area and do the actual work? Yup! You got it! I'll be dressing for the occasion with full body coverage, gloves, mask and goggles. I've been over there once before -- it's actually pretty cool, because with a light you can see the pegged mortise and tenon construction of the roof.

    What's everyone else doing today?

  • tre3
    16 years ago

    Tina I don't envy you the job you're undertaking today! Hope it is a LOT cooler there than here (High 80's and MUGGY). The bright spot is that I imagine once you get it done it will help to keep things cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter!

    Celtic I love the mental image you've come up with! So far all my give aways have been accepted. If they put up a fuss I'll fall back to your idea. Laughing madly!!!! With the blessings of the mothers in the area, we are having a beanie baby give away tonight! The rest will be donated. Three more containers out of the basement!

    Was set to take another partial load of stuff to Restore until DD stuff changed my plans. I love summer. Now that I have time available again the mugginess of the day has sapped my motivation. I just want to live vicariously through your accomplishments!

  • marie26
    16 years ago

    I haven't been home much lately but today I finally cleaned up my "junk room". It started off as a library but when DD moved back in, all her excess was put in there. It's now at least neat. And my clothes that I decided to give to Goodwill about 6 months ago are finally in a bag by the door.

    I am going in one week to pick up my 5 1/2 year old DGD. She is coming to stay with us for the summer. We haven't seen her in almost a year and are excited. But, according to DD, she has become a big mess maker and will not pick up after herself, no matter what DD has tried.

    I really have to get on with getting this house back in order before she arrives.

    BTW, I finally threw out all of the empty boxes in the garage. The garbagemen took the last of it this morning. My main big job in there that's left is to clean out a broken cabinet that's filled with my stuff. I also have to defrost the freezer in there.

  • celticmoon
    16 years ago

    Great work Marie! Amazing how this culling progress happens in spurts. Sounds like excellent progress on the garage,closet and "library" (surely it no longer qualifies as a "junk room".)

    I think we are at critical mass for this thread - 150 is the limit, right? Ooooo, I'm starting Part 3. What fun.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Culling - Part 3

  • greenfumbers4fowbers
    16 years ago


    "pj's...sigh, I had to relegate my beloved 'pengies' (=flannel penquin print pj's) to the memory trunk as they are starting to shred. They have been my comfort - DH always knew it was a really really bad time if I took to the pengies. Maybe one, two wearings left in them. I'm saving them for a really bad time. "

    No relegation needed. Go get 'em, and look at the colors. Find a new, plain color pair of flannel jammies you like that coordinate well and find some salvagable fabric that isn't damaged off the pengies jammies and make a pocket or other trim for the new jammies.

    There. The Pengies tradition can live on. :)

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