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do I need to leave room to expand in my junk drawer?

12 years ago

I'm working on the "junk drawer" section of my triangular closet, and I've pared WAY down, and organized well.

I even fit the P-touch labeler in one of the drawers!!!

But doing so means that I have 2 drawers, and they're really pretty full. So I don't really have a place to put anything else. You know, like those random plastic pieces that you hold onto until you're sure they don't go with something.

I'm pretty good with the idea that I've put in the stuff that's most needed, and will be most likely to show up.

But should I leave a little room for that stuff? (**What kind of stuff do you end up randomly putting into your junk drawer?**)

Or should I not, and then I'll be forced to do something ELSE with it because it won't fit? That's what I did with my night-stand drawer--I reduced the size with a false bottom, and it has made a HUGE difference in how useful that drawer is.

Any insights or recommendations?

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