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How different obituaries used to be.....

11 years ago

Following Ghoghunter's suggestion, I was looking to see if I could find old death notices in our county when I came this obituary from 1896. Our manner of expressing ourselves certainly has changed over the past 100+ years. Here's the beginning of the obituary.

Our Worthy Citizen Passes Away After a Weary Illness

Daniel K. Belknap died at his residence late Thursday afternoon, after a long and lingering illness,

The event had been hourly anticipated for some time. The reports in the Tribune from time to time had prepared his many friends in the community for the inevitable for several days past, as it was well known that his life was hanging by a thread. He has been wearing out for years.

Of a highly nervous organization, burdened with heavy responsibilities which his conscientious make-up would not allow him to slight in any way, he practically laid down his life upon the altar of duty. He met faithfully every obligation to his employers with energy, tact and discretion. His courtesy and spirit of accommodation with the patrons of the road kept them in the most cordial relations with that great corporation, and added to its popularity with the business community. His invariable cordiality and good sound common sense and energy fitted him well for his important duties.

If you'd like to read the whole thing (or others), go here.

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