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I need my husband

15 years ago

I've been married 15 months to a very sexy man who i am so in love with and crave like crazy in every way. In the beginning it was obvious that he craved me the same way, but not for a while i have noticed a change in him. First let me say -He is awesome in bed and he always makes sure that i am satisfied but its like he has no interest. We have sex and i will have muliple O and he will say i dont feel like getting off tonight and say i am fine and go to bed and i am like what.... Is that normal. I crave him all the time - we usually we have sex everynight before bed. I wish that sometimes it would just happen b/c he craves me- I want him to come up and start messing around and it to just happen - not feel like that its bed time and well he just doing it just for me. Am i stupid to want this... and to worry that he does not crave me.

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