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Non-white Trim Color

14 years ago

Hello all.

We are remodeling our "Spanish Colonial meets 70's ranch" home into a mostly Spanish, but a bit eclectic style home. Our office will be right off the foyer with French doors. What I would like to do is paint the trim and the two 24" closet doors in the office in a dark, bold color and then do the walls in something more subdued. My problem is that I am soooo design challenged. I was thinking chocolate brown trim with blue walls, but that seems more contemporary to me, besides the fact that it might be going out of style.

I tried googling some images, but came up with nothing. Does anyone have any suggestions or pictures for me? I like Spanish colors, of course. I like black and brown as well. The rest of the house will be off white trim, so if you think this isn't a good idea, I'd appreciated that opinion.

Thanks for any help!

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