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14 years ago

One of the things that I hear from clients after they have lived with things for a while, is that the room is "starting to lose something" or "needs something else", or looks "less finished" than it did when it was finished.

Since I work in another profession primarily, please understand that these are clients I knew as friends first and I still see them regularly and we interact differently. After they say this I will go over and take a look around.

Here is how the interaction goes, after they reiterate that something seems off:

Me: well, ok, what's this?

Client: oh that mat? That's to wipe my feet on when I come in the back door.

Me: Why did you get a green one?

Client: Huh? Its a mat! Its what they had at the Dollar Store.

Me: It doesn't go with anything.

Client: Its a doormat. I suppose you want me to buy something from Neiman Marcus to wipe my feet on.

Me: No, but you could've waited and found one that actually went with something.


The thing that I find mostly is that the detritus of everyday life starts to get in the way, and at some point it may bother people who want things to "go together" even though they don't realize that they are the ones diluting the appearance of the room.

I am not big on provenance or pedigree. I will pick up something off the street, or buy something at the dollar store if I think it is interesting or I need it. But nothing comes into the house that would look out of place. Not a roll of paper towels with a weird design on it, not a box of Kleenex, Not a 12 pack of cheap green dishtowels (white only)from the dollar store, not a maroon plastic hairbrush. If it is going to be left out, it is going to go along. Its not that hard, really.

Comments (150)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I didn't mention the white paper towels in our house, I figured it was understood that we too only have white....BUT I just realized that the paper towels I use, have a little "embroidery" pattern on them (white on white of course) that reminds me of my arabesque backsplash! They are Bounty towels from Costco. The folks at Bounty probably call it a "diamond" pattern, but I know better.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks Scooby!

    If my kids or DH breaks a dish then I head out to The Salvation Army or Goodwill. I have thrown away a glass or dish when one in the set broke leaving an odd #. I know the rational thing to do would be to put it away in the event that another breaks.

    And yes, I do straighten the items on the restaurant table and I have bought all new bins when new colors come out. I try to buy only white so I won't have to buy new.

    I think some of us have crossed over!!

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  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    White? White? Everything? Paper towels, napkins, sheets, towels?

    Nope. Can't do it.

    I. must. have. color.

    So my sheets are a lovely sagey green, sunshine gold, or a deep, deep purple. Or a sassy stripe.

    The master bath towels are a sunny yellow or dark purple which makes laundry a bit more of a challenge.

    I rummage through the paper towels to find a pretty, colorful print. They are HARD to find, I'll agree with you there. Currently, I have white because I couldn't find anything suitable. pooh.

    Kleenex boxes are often ugly, but with a son with allergies, a necessary evil. When I find pretty ones, I grab several and stash them away.

    I rebottle dish soap. For ten years I've used a pretty wine bottle I bought in Italy. Over the holidays, we changed to a pretty green balsamic vinegard bottle.

    Body wash, shampoo, and conditioner go in the on the wall dispenser...all labeled with the French stickers also enclosed with the packaging.

    Y'all are nuts. But the more I think of, too. Just have a mildly modified version.

    Funny thread. I've enjoyed reading everyone's replies.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Once upon a time long long ago there was a beautiful princess named love-my-bighome who lived in a huge house.
    When noone was looking she washed all the baseboards every Fri, her linen closets had towels (not to be used)stacked perfectly. When people came to visit she knew they opened
    the linen closet just for show and tell .
    She kept fringe perfect on rugs, racked the shag carpet(long years ago) behind her as she left the house.
    Got up in the middle of the night to see if any dust had collected anywhere. White pt and many many other thingies.
    Then the beautiful princess moved out of the biggie into
    a little home when she got old and since she was in a little home she decided she would just hire a housekeeper to do baseboards, linen closets and such and she would read and watch HouseHunters and pop popcorn and play games on the computer with her granddaughter.
    I guess its age girls but I outgrew all of that and I was worse than any of you.
    When I was going to do a project like wallpaper a room , I would pack a lunch and sit all day in the wallpaper store until I found the perfect one. Some time It would take me weeks to find "it" so I would go every day.
    Striving for perfection is a controlling thing or it was for me.
    Now I can't even control my bladder lol.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    When I was going to do a project like wallpaper a room , I would pack a lunch and sit all day in the wallpaper store until I found the perfect one. Some time It would take me weeks to find "it" so I would go every day.
    Striving for perfection is a controlling thing or it was for me.

    If a decision controls someone's life, (whether wallpaper, white paper towels, sheets, etc) then they need to step back and ask what's wrong with this picture.

    If someone is doing a regular weekly/monthly thing (like buying paper products) and happens to want white, that's no different than the person that wants "pretty designs" on their paper products.

    I've been looking for the perfect fabric for a pair of French Os de Mouton chairs for almost a year. On/off, not constant. When I told DD1 I found "the" perfect fabric, she replied "I thought they were finished." I do like the "texture" they bring to the room, but had no desire to leave them that way forever. ;D (burlap covering the seat, burlap with webbing across the back)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My best friend is the total opposite of me. Her house is the exact opposite of mine. Her house is an extension of her and when I am in her home I am very comfortable. We are all different and whatever works for us is where we should be. Don't read too much into this thread. It is just fun to share stories.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would hardly describe what one may percieve as my 'White Obsession' as something to be sad about.

    I think that my post clearly demonstrates (in my situation & reasoning) the practicality of it.

    My sheets, socks and dishes and many other items don't all match but they are all white. If something breaks, tears, gets ruined or whatever, then the new 'orphan' still has a home and always fits in albeit in a new blended family.

    I meant to say in my previous post that my dishes are all white but of a zillion different styles and many different price points. The thrift store always has a cheap white dish waiting for me when one gets dropped at home.

    These are all ways that I preserve my sanity. And I never heard anyone in my family cry becuase they had to use toilet paper to wipe their nose because I can't find white box tissue.

  • PRO
    14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Some are born with a sharp spatial sense and the ability to discern nuances in color, texture and pattern.
    Some are not.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks, traditionalgirl, for trying to bring back the lightheartedness of the thread.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is a great thread! DH doesn't get me at all or why I like things to coordinate.

    Like Dee's DH, I also grew up in a "mismatched jelly-glass, bread wrapper lunch bag family of 6 kids" but I'm the opposite and have a need for things to work well together in my home. I also wanted to be an artist growing up but ended up working in law, so I think I have a need to express my creative side outside of work.

    I hate seeing bottles of Dawn dishsoap on my kitchen counter and have replaced them with pretty glass bottles more than a few times. They keep getting knocked over and broken so for now the Dawn stays under the sink until needed.

    I will admit that my 2 favorite "watching tv" blankets are around 20 years old, powder blue, and not at all attractive. They're just so soft and worn-in that I can't bring myself to replace them. They do, however, stay in the linen closet and I pull them out at night when I need to hibernate and watch movies!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OK. How bad is it that just before I read traditionalgirls comments I realized my son was wearing an outfit that matches my downstairs. Blue pants and a shirt with a blue and on orange stripe.

    I am now going to be annoyed by papertowels. Thank you very much. :)

    And yesterday DH bought tissues. I think for sure it must have been an accident, but the ones he put in the downstairs bath are green and brown and match perfectly, and the ones he put in the kitchen were in a blue box.

    Could I be rubbing off????

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would imagine that every single one of us has something that we are "funny" about and we may not even be aware of it. I'm in denial so I don't even know what mine are!! Haha If you ask my DS or DH, then you would get a list. Containers on the half & half in a little old pewter scoop for coffee beans.

    We are all here because for some reason or another we stumbled upon or searched out a place where we are with others that have a need for things to be aesthetically pleasing. Is it superficial....sure, sometimes it is. When real life hits ~ those major episodes in your life~ are we concerned about an arrangement or coordinated storage bins - h3ll no!

    For me, in my life, this is a luxury. All of my basic needs are being met and then some. Sometimes I feel guilty for what I have but from that guilt comes charity. For me, that balances out this crazy desire for things around me to be pleasing. If I didn't give back to others less fortunate than me, then maybe it would all be superficial. I don't know, but I like helping others. We can have a therapy session about my motives at a later date!! LOL

    My car - not always clean - but, boy!! don't ya feel good driving around in a clean car. Doesn't matter if it's a hoopty or a Mercedes. It's those few extra steps that can be taken to make something mundane to something that might put a smile on someone else's or even your own face.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OMG! Too Funny! I thought I was the only one! I have really enjoyed reading this thread. It put me in mind of an old Everybody Loves Raymond episode that I saw where Raymond goes shopping for Deborah and comes home with the "ugly boxes of kleenex." I could identify with that as my DH has done that before. He will say "they were on sale and we only blow our noses with them and throw them out." My son thinks the kleenex with the lotion in them "feel like they have already been used."

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I thought I was nuts until this thread. I only buy Suave 'Ocean Breeze' shampoo & conditioner, not for the price but because the blue color works in my bathroom and I can peel off the labels!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    palimpsest, please come and tell us that you are still around.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    He had bumped this thread up to 150, and they have removed the bumps. Wouldn't be surprised if he's gone due to that.

    Too funny, Boop!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Someone reported bumps? This place is weird.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Patser's post and all those that referred to it are also missing. Guess that answers that.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am here. I was asked to report issues to the moderators rather than locking a thread by posting to 150.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have no idea if someone reported the bumps and/or Patser. Didn't notice those posts were gone as well. Never know what "they" would do. Sometimes you get knocked off, instead of a warning.

    I was in Target today and saw their "bulk" section and thought of this thread. ;D

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh, good. Now this post can go back to how it was originally intended -- lighthearted and fun.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a delight to see this fun thread back up!

    I caught myself laughing out loud in the Borders store as I found myself arranging the books on the art shelf (nothing too crazy just putting the copies of same books next to each other)! I am aware I also do it in the Goodwill store as I am checking out their book selection. Too funny.

    Thank you for the ability to laugh today.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I just wanted to say that I have enjoyed this thread so very much. The reason there are so many relating to this is told in the pictures posted of homes.
    Have you girls ever seen so many beautiful homes and so many so beautifully put together? That comes from the little things you do.
    None of the things you "do" are crazy. Look how many care that their homes are put together and pleasing to the eye.
    So many can't be wrong!!
    I told my housekeeper just this morning to put that darn Dawn bottle BACK under the sink.
    I love all of you. Its like I trained you! Lol

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I too am someone who talks to herself and asks the question "Will this go with my salt and pepper shakers" LOL

    I think we need a support group. :-)


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Definitely a support group...this morning I caught myself musing as I put away a coaster 'darn, these are blue, not white! Need to see where I can find white ones.'

    There's probably medication out there, but who wants to change???

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    :) Vindicated, or at least feel I should be. I tried to get my husband to read this, but he laughed for a couple of seconds, shook his head and pushed the screen away, and still refuses to apologize for buying the 36-pack of ugly boxes of tissue we're still working our way through a year later.

    BTW, my paper towels should be plain, but doesn't really matter--they're not allowed on the counter no matter what. That is where I took a stand in this house.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    "I told my housekeeper just this morning to put that darn Dawn bottle BACK under the sink." Now that's funny.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Okay - I won't be embarassed to ask. I wanted to post about this in December but I didn't:

    Has anyone seen all white candy canes to buy? My mom had found some when I was in high school and she told me then how hard they were to find so every year after de-decorating the tree we put the white candy canes in the freezer until the next year. You can see that I inherited that gene.

    I also want to know if anyone has come across all white tissue boxes? Seriously. I would like to invest.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Would this work ttodd?

    Here is a link that might be useful: White and

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    BTW, my paper towels should be plain, but doesn't really matter--they're not allowed on the counter no matter what. That is where I took a stand in this house.

    I don't like them out either, so I purchased a redware paper towel jar from The Workshop of David T Smith. No, they are not inexpensive, but they pottery - handmade by artisans. They do have them on sale sometimes, but each is one of a kind so you can't expect to get it on sale if it's one you really love/want. I waited on purchasing a second one for the laundry room (had a detailed scene) and missed out.

    Mine is yellow with brown splatters. Crackled. They have a raised area in the bottom that holds the cardboard paper towel center.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Paper Towel Jars

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks Heavens I am not alone in this insanity.

    Only white paper towels!

    No fring on my rugs! Because I too need it to go the same

    Toothbrush matches bathroom decor.

    Tisses are in boxes or containers that are meant to be
    there so the Scott or Kleenex ugly box does not show.

    When I host a party, my clothing match my home.

    I peel off lables of shampoo or hand soap too.

    If a candle does not match my decor it is re-gifted.

    My door mats are wool rugs. If it is really snowy I toss a towel on top but that gets tossed in the laungry room. They are not functional door mats they are purely for looks.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Remember in the 1970s when grocery stores came out with a budget brand and it was called "generic brand" all the cans and boxes and containers were white with black lettering. It started out all in one aisle too.

    I remember my great-Aunt thinking you had to be over 65 to buy it. She thought it was geriatric brand.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've never even thought of matching my clothing to my home. LOL!!

    Allison, I've never seen or heard of paper towel jars. Our hang inside the pantry door which is convenient. We don't use alot of paper towels anyway.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Boxer! OMG!

    "When I host a party, my clothing match my home."

    ME TOO!!!!

    (and have you ever asked your guests to match too? Did that once when I was doing an "all white" party--you know, white drinks, plates, accessories and yes, even clothing) Come to think of it, you ALL should have been there with your white paper towels!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Not really a house thing, but I won't buy a car in a color I don't look good in.

    Totally Confused

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Generally speaking I do not peel labels off, but I remember being *very* happy when retailers started using bar-code scanners and stopped slapping everything with those obnoxious price stickers. I DID peel those off. Especially hated the fluorescent orange ones.

    And then I moved to Massachusetts for a short time in 2002, where, by state law, everything had to have a price sticker on it even though it was scanned. I was SO disappointed.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I cannot believe how long this post is, so fun.

    I like white papertowel and the kitchen napkins really bug me that the colored sets do not come in my scheme. So I get the white only, or sometimes the white/blue/tan.

    My soap dispenser at kitchen sink I don't want glass in case it falls in sink. I could not find black plastic so I took a hand sanitizer bottle and painted it black. Soooo much better.

    I like my kleenex to match decor, even if it is inside the cute ceramic holder that matches the room.

    Back of sofa/feet lines up on the floor boards or the squares on the rugs.

    My kitchen table is glass. Then pendent reflects on table and I can center the legs below around the reflection of the light.

    My fireplace wall drives us crazy. One side is about 5 inches wider than the other side. When redid the fireplace we could have made it wider on that side but forgot to. No one notices but when I think about it it bugs me, but only a little.

    Our house is known as the house on the corner with the big blue door. When we had our Ram 1500 it was known as the house with the big blue door and truck.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Bee,
    No never asked friends to dress in a specific color.
    But I like it. I REALLY like it.
    Maybe a RED party.

    And Yes I only buy a car that I look good in. And the
    tissue box matches along with Hand Sanitizer in a matching

    I am totally crazy. A little tip if you ever have issues
    pulling off the label of a soap bottle, use Goo Gone.
    It works wonders. One quick spray and let it sit for 10
    second and then peel away.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I feel so at home in the post. LOL

    Now speaking of clothing ... before we go out on the town or to a party, my husband asks me what I'm wearing so that his choice won't clash with mine. He's so considerate. :-)


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I just want to say there is help out there for those that admit their obsessions and want help, lol!! Do you have issues with or adhere to certain practices/procedures with the following:

    1. White paper towels - check. Have had this one for as long as I can remember. I can remember asking my mom in jr. high why they only make ugly paper towels. Why can't someone make plain ones?

    2. Ugly Kleenex boxes - check. I just don't buy them for this reason, use tp. However, the other day I had to send 3 boxes to my son's science class. I started doing my Kleenex box fret right there in the Target aisle and then thought "Are you kidding me?" these are for science class for crying out loud, but then I worried about the teacher not liking ugly Kleenex boxes and finally found some solid colored boxes. *I also had to send two rolls of paper towels - they were white of course!

    3. Dish soap on countertop - former obsession now under control; however, kept slightly hidden by microwave (so I guess not completely under control).

    4. Putting soaps into pretty containers - under control. Used to do this but since we have been in our temporary house (for five and half years) haven't bothered. I think I have overcome this one, but won't really be able tell until we have moved or remodeled!

    5. Matching dishtowels - somewhat under control. A couple of Christmas's ago my dear, dear MIL gave me a happy of dishtowels while we were baking one day b/c we go through them like mad at that time of year. She had picked them up while she was out and so proud of herself and instead of being gracious all I could think was "Did you have a blindfold on when you picked these out?" But I quickly realized my crazy attitude and thought process and embraced the dishtowels. *I actually still have mixed feelings about those d@mn dishtowels.

    6. Closets color coded in order - under control. This used to be a major hangup for me. Clean laundry would even be stacked to the heavens in the utility room waiting to be put away b/c it couldn't be put up until I could put everything lined up in colorcoded/itemized order. Drawers were the same way. I have gotten this one under control and have actually made it all the way to the other end of that spectrum where cr@p is just thrown in willie nillie with no rhyme or reason. Boy am I proud of that! However, both extremes drive my DH crazy and can't understand why I can't find a middle ground! *Still prefer only white plastic hangers, except for pants.

    7. Matching towels - under control. When you have to bathe and get ready in the ugly bathroom that is ours currently, pretty matching towels would just make one more depressed. We are even using beachtowels at the moment, gasp!

    8. Pillows on sofa - check. Must be arranged in proper order and apparently I am the only one in my house that understands this logic. Even though the majority of the pillows have no pattern they do have ridges in the fabric that must go a certain way. Why does no one understand this?

    I could go on forever....the dvd and video cases in both DSs' rooms, rug fringes (I even had to trim the jute rug fringes in the living room once), magazine displays, I have also shaved my sofa, etc.

    This has been fun and medication does help. That reminds me, I need to take my pill!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    "She had picked them up while she was out and so proud of herself and instead of being gracious all I could think was "Did you have a blindfold on when you picked these out?" "

    Oh, heaven help me...this is EXACTLY the way I think! LP, you made me LOL at this one.

    And may I add-we white fanatics also need not ever think about matching. Everything does automatically!

    Since the dark confessions are rolling out: I like to have my paper money arranged in my wallet not only in descending denomination, but facing the same direction and all oriented the same (ie no 'upside down' bills). I like to think this is a remnant of being a cashier as a youngster but I know the truth is that it's just another of my numerous OCD twitches.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    boxer, thanks for the second tip on this post regarding removing lables. I never thought of using Goo Gone for that purpose.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh my goodness, Ann. I never thought of keep money in that sequence as an OCD. I thought it was just good common sense.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What's an OCD is keeping money not just in denomination sequence but by Federal Reserve Bank sequence within denomination sequence.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Is your husband being sweet or does he know you are
    going to make him change if he clashes?

    Hee hee
    My DH knows me so well that I will make him change. He
    always checks first to see what I am wearing and
    of course asks for my approval. You would never know he
    has a large staff working for him. The kids are
    just thankful I don't do the same thing to them.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is just too funny~~~ I laughed and laughed when I read through these....and I thought I was the only one that had to buy white paper towels, would dig through the boxes of Kleenex to find a certain color box, never bought anything that didn't match something in the house....
    You all made my day!!...maybe I am somewhat "normal".

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Not really a house thing, but I won't buy a car in a color I don't look good in.

    Me either! I knew we were related in another life!

    "She had picked them up while she was out and so proud of herself and instead of being gracious all I could think was "Did you have a blindfold on when you picked these out?"

    My BF always buys me something red, white and blue for my Fourth of July birthday. I don't do red, white and blue in my home! I should return the favor to her since she was born on Flag Day. After 18 years, I finally asked her not to buy me any more patriotic decor, candles, flag dish towels, etc.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Boxer, after 37 years of marriage and despite the one foot height difference and opposing hairlines, *he* wants us to look alike. :-) I tease him about it but am secretly happy with the concept.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I haven't commented on this post yet; haven't got all day!!! lol

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just remember everyone, you are not alone!

    Running, I am glad to have made someone laugh today, but I tell you those dishtowels are a real source of angst. I have kept them though to tell myself "Get over it, it is just a dish towel!"

    Allison, I could see where the patriotic paraphanalia would get old in a hurry. But what a fun day to have a birthday. Not many get fireworks displays and the like on their day.

    I do have to say though that my handbag is not organized at all. I generally carry a rather large bag and like my mother it is where receipts go to die. If you opened my handbag on any given day, it would look like I am about to ship something fragile just from the receipts that could be used as packaging material.

    Cash...what's cash? I can't keep cash it just disappears; however, when I do have it I do find myself turning it around,dewrinkling, and lining it up in the correct order.