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Because I couldn't refuse a request from Trailrunner

15 years ago

Here's my first attempt at making No Knead Bread in my Wolf Oven (shameless attempt to stay within forum guidelines by mentioning appliance LOL)

Dry Ingredients go in....

Add the water...

Mix together cover with plastic wrap and let stand...

After 18 hours.....

Take out of bowl and dust with flour and fold once, then again perpendicular to first fold. Let stand covered with plastic for 15 minutes...

Place seam side down on cornmeal dusted tea cloth and cover with cloth for 2 hours....

After 2 hours place in dutch oven seam side up cover and bake.

After about 45 minutes,30 with cover on 15 without......VIOLA...

Cut into and enjoy.....

The bread was very good, and really easy to make. We dipped it into some EVOO and grated some Parmigiano Reggiano cheese on top.....yum....

What I would do differently next time....

Bake at the suggested 450 I baked it at 500 and that was too high for my oven. It burned a bit on the bottom.

Get a round dutch oven, I used an oval one and that seemed to make the bread flatter than I would have liked.

Make two loafs because one loaf was gone in an hour.....LOL

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