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Watermelon Extremist ----- (pics heavy)

Summer = watermelon

Do you know that watermelon is one of the most expensive summer fruits? Around here in NY they are about $0.65 a lb. Since Watermelon is 92%water, and considering throwing away the thick rind, it may work out to be $11.0 to $12.00 a lb of food, LOL!

This is how I enjoy to the max almost the entire watermelon.

I consider watermelon has three parts; First the sweet center. As you get closer to the rind it gets less and less sweet. Finally you have the throw away rind.

I only eat or serve the sweetest center of the melon.

I use the less sweet part for salads. You really don't want a salad to be too sweet.

I also use the not so sweet part to make crispy watermelon chips with my dehydrator. I highly recommend this. The crispy chips become very sweet because they have 92% of the water removed. They make wonderful snacks.

The white/pink part of the rind is delicious cooked or pickled.

Even the seeds can be turned into wonderful sprouts, but that will be another post, how to sprout watermelon seeds.

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A few of the dishes I made for July 4th:


Making crispy Watermelon chips

Pan fried Cod and watermelon rind, beet stems

Watermelon celery salad

Pasta with clam sauce and sauteed watermelon

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