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Monday's Question..............

15 years ago


Q: Honking, tailgating, excessive lane changing... There are so many things that can drive you crazy when you're behind the wheel. So tell us: what's your driving pet peeve?



Today Is: National "DAV" Day (Develop Alternative Vices) color>



Comments (21)

  • lydia1959
    15 years ago

    People tailgating. I have a friend that is bad about doing this and I hate riding with her when she is driving.

  • casey_nfld
    15 years ago

    Anyone who cuts me off.

  • susan_on
    15 years ago

    Also, anyone who cuts me off. Especially when I am the only one coming, and after they cut me off, they drive below the speed limit.

  • secsteve
    15 years ago

    Those people who don't know how to use their turn signals. Nothing scares me more then someone who just suddenly stops at an intersection and THEN turns on their signal.

  • nodakgal
    15 years ago

    Around here it is not using blinkers as SecSteve said. Only there are none used at all. Like I can read your mind?? 2nd thing that just irritates me to no end. Tailgating!! I've had cars just zoom up on me from nowhere when I am passing someone and just stick to my rear bumper like glue!!!!! Grrrrrrrr I get over as soon as I can, but sometimes there is someone in the other lane and you can't.

    When I went with DS to return Maddie, one of the last times we had a huge laugh. The guy didn't tailgate me, but passed us like we were standing still.( I was going at least 80) A white pickup and it was almost a blur it was so fast. About 5 miles down interstate we saw headlights in the ditch between the two highways. It was dark and we didn't quite figure it out. THEN we saw the red lights come on! Yep HP and he was pulling over the big white pickup. Did we laugh as we drove past!!!!

  • vicki_lv_nv
    15 years ago

    All of the above, plus:

    People on motorcycles that think they are invincible and drive at a high rate of speed, zipping in and out of traffic...driving down an on ramp doing a wheelie the entire way...or squeezing between lanes of cars so they can be the first at the stop light (I want to open my door suddenly!).

    Women that drive and put makeup on. Get up 15 minutes earlier and do it. They sit there while the light is green, or worse yet, they do it while moving down the road.

    Texting on their phone, while driving.

    Driving too fast for road conditions. Here in Vegas, when it rains, the roads get as slick as ice. People just drive like they are dry. And yes, I would be the person that drives on by when they are sitting in the ditch. They also find that it is humorous to drive thru a huge puddle of water and spray pedestrians.

  • grammahony
    15 years ago

    I hate when someone is driving slow in the fast lane, and stays right beside the car they are supposed to be passing.
    No turn signals.
    I've always wanted to see the HP stopping someone who whizzed by me, and point and snicker.

  • FlamingO in AR
    15 years ago

    People on the interstate highway that don't plan ahead. Don't sit next to me for 2 miles and then suddenly accelerate, cut me off and take that exit that we almost just passed. Geez! They could SLOW down, tuck in behind me and then take the exit. Or even, pass that exit, don't kill all of us because you're a dumb butt- pass it and turn around and come back. Duh.

    My other one is mild by comparison. Stop lights have sensors under the pavement. If you don't pull up far enough to trigger the sensor, that light might not ever turn green. So pull up! Don't hang 20 feet back with others stuck behind you!

    I had to go up to a little older lady one time and ask her to pull forward since we had sat through at least 3 light changes without ever getting a green on our side. I am afraid I startled her by approaching her car, even though I was very calm and sweet to her. The 15 cars behind me were real happy though! lol

  • czech_chick
    15 years ago

    The only thing that angers me on the road is...


  • Granlan_TX
    15 years ago

    Tailgating scares me and makes me mad, too.

    Also hate the no signal drivers..if I tried that just once, a cop would be right on me..don't know how those other buffoons luck out. Grrrrrr!!

  • marlingardener
    15 years ago

    Not using turn signals! Here in Texas if you see a vehicle with a turn signal on, it probably came from the dealership that way.
    Also, pick-ups and other trucks that have no tarps covering their load. I had to dodge a cardboard box filled with I-don't-know-what that flew out the back of a pick-up. If the box went airborne, it was probably light, but still, who wants something hitting your windshield?

  • mrsmarv
    15 years ago

    "Also, anyone who cuts me off. Especially when I am the only one coming, and after they cut me off, they drive below the speed limit."

    Ditto...and bicyclists on the roads....and I quote:

    "Bicyclists, in-line skaters, and motor vehicle drivers must all use and obey the same traffic laws. A motorist must recognize that a bicyclist or in-line skater has the same rights as any another motor vehicle driver."

    I find that folks on bicycles or in-line skates do not have the "protection" of a car. They are basically a moving target, and if we allow them the same "rights" as motor vehicles, somewhere, somehow, someone is going to get hurt, or worse, end up dead.

    I've seen too many accidents involving bicyclists who were negligent and took chances and ended up in an accident with a car. And it's the person in the car who is subject to scrutiny, and perhaps a lawsuit.
    Discliamer: I ride my bike to our local farm market, but the road I travel is a local road with minimal traffic. What I'm referring to are those bicyclists who use our main thoroughfares.
    That's what bike paths are for.

    I'll get off my soapbox now ;o)

  • tami_ohio
    15 years ago

    people who can't be bothered to completely stop for stop signs or run stop lights.

  • jel48
    15 years ago

    People dumping trash, including cigarette butts, out of the car windows. I don't care if it's tiny, it's still garbage and doesn't belong on our roadsides.

  • firemanswife
    15 years ago

    The other day my DH and I were on the freeway going around 75 (the speed limit) and the guy next to us come flying by us and he was texting!!! That makes me so mad!

  • Maura63
    15 years ago

    Drivers who treat stop signs (or right-turn-on-red) as yield signs instead (and result in cutting people with the right-of-way off). Basically, my pet peeve with people in general are those who think they are above the law and that rules don't apply to them. This is very evident in the driving world.

    My DD is a new driver and all of the above is magnified all the more when you are worrying about inexperienced drivers on the road. Rules of the road are there for safety and for everyone to follow consistently. Communication (using turn signals) is key. It is unfortunate that drivers cannot have these expectations of their fellow-drivers.

    My Dad told my DD, drive as if everyone is drunk AND blind.

  • barbara3
    15 years ago

    People who want their half of the road in the middle! Pick a lane, buddy!

    Pick-up truck and SUV drivers who think they are invincible, especially in bad driving conditions like slippery roads, etc. Many of them just do not drive sensibly for the road conditions.

    Taxi drivers who think the rules of the road do not apply to them. I called a taxi company because one of their drivers was driving dangerously and had cut me off and was told by the owner that driving slowly cost him money. AARRRGGGHHHH!

    Litterbugs, slooooow drivers - I could go on!

    Not that I'm the perfect driver, mind you - I was taught to drive by a spitfire pilot (my dad) who drove like he was flying low!

  • deemarie5500
    15 years ago

    Anyone who rides my tail. The older I get, the more it annoys and frightens me.

  • wildchild
    15 years ago

    People that straddle the line in the turn lane.

    People that don't understand that "right on Red" only means when it's safe to proceed.

    People playing "speed cop" on the freeway, refusing to get over for faster traffic.

    "Caring" people who drive little "green" cars but take up two parking spaces. If I can get my truck in one slot so can you dipster.

    People that leave enough room between them and the car ahead of them to park a double trailer semi while waiting for the light at busy intersections.

    #1. People that don't get that lane splitting is legal in our state. The biker is doing you a favor. He's moving instead of sitting there adding to the congestion. Get it through your thick skulls.

  • glenda_al
    15 years ago

    peeps talking on cell phone, not paying attention to their driving.

  • linda_in_iowa
    15 years ago

    Well, I just got home and I had been in some high school traffic. I was about to have a heart attack when I saw a big pickup truck being driven recklessly with two boys sitting in the truck bed. I immediately started thinking of all the teens that are killed in traffic accidents because they are horsing around and being stupid.