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YEAH!!!! I got 96% on my Traffic Schhol Test

11 years ago

One thing I found out while taking the test is 500BUCKS was a rip! It said that speeding over 100mph is a fine of $100-$500 for a first offense then $750-$1000 for 2nd offense!

I did the California roll at this stop light, there was no cross traffic at all, if there had been traffic I would have stopped. Years ago there was no light there, and I have not been that way for years a detour took me that way~~~no excuse BUT now I am thinking $500 was excessive;(

WHEW! I am done it was good taking it online but I was at it for about 6-7hours~~~I was all jittery thinking I would not pass~~~you got two attempts, then had to repay and do it all again;(

OK 500 for the ticket~plus 57 for the courts to process me going to traffic school~~~20 for traffic school~~~then the school wanted 7 more dollars, to help me make sure it goes through the DMV~~~I looked in my email ASAP and it had already electronically gone to the court and the DMV as soon as I passed the test~~~it is all a rip to me;(

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