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I Need Help Selecting a Bathroom Mirror (pic heavy)

12 years ago

I have these posted on the bathroom forum but May_flowers suggested I ask over here for style help. I have images of drawn elevations of the room. I will also show real pics of the room so you can get a feel for the dimensions of the room from an angle. The drawings are all to scale. The elevation is a wall 9.5' wide x 7' high. The room is 6.5' wide. So not real big. Everything in the room is new.

1) Chrome fixtures for plumbing and lighting
2) Soapstone sink and counters (that I fabricated)
3) BM wall paint Bunny Gray, a very soft and light bluish gray.
4) BM Thundercloud Gray, (a shade darker than the Bunny Gray) sink stand.
5) BM Distant Gray (white that looks like BM super white) on all woodwork and other cabinets.
6) Floor, black slate with light med gray grout.
7) Walls, wainscot to 49"; white field 4x4; listello - carrara mixed colors of white, blues, tans; white ceramic baseboard and crown.
8) White kohler cast iron tub, Bellwether, simple modern lines.
9. Casework, new but has the look simple early 20th century.

soapstone and listello tile:

Tub and floor:

Example of cabinet color, style of scones, and casement around door:

Sink without oil:

Sink oiled:

Beautiful framing material. It has some rubbed in bluish color that is slightly visible and really looks good with the wall color and listello. This example is of the 2.25" wide frame. The other frame I included in drawings below is 1.5" and doesn't show off the nice patina that is on the piece. I really like the wider frame for that reason but don't know if it goes well:

Wall faucet:

Now the drawings with mirror options. You will notice the options are not all here. Some I have ruled out and thought I'd just link the threads to this post that include all the options. This post is getting picture heavy:

Option 1, to scale, with Hubbardton Forge Mirror. The top of the drawing is the ceiling height at 7':

Option 2 frameless oval:

Option 4 frameless round:

Option 6 with wide frame and wide dimensions between the sconces:

Option 6, live mockup. These scones may just have to go, and be replaced with something scaled down and more economical in design:

Option 7 with narrow frame and wide diemensions between the scones:

Option 8 rectangle with wide frame and narrow dimension between the scones:

Option 9 rectangle with narrow frame and narrow dimension between the scones:

I have linked my last Bathroom forum thread and within that thread is the link to the first posing about mirrors I made earlier this week.

Here is a link that might be useful: What About These Mirror Styles; Second Go Around

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