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Can I do much better than Trane?

16 years ago

I am about to replace a 15 year old 5-ton Trane Heat Pump/ AC package unit. I think I remember it being about a 7 or 8 SEER unit, and heating costs are getting bad with the most recent price increases from the power company. (20% TVA increase in October)

I have had a couple of other brands in other houses, and have not been very impressed, but believe the Trane to be OK. It is not excessively noisy, and has worked without service for many years.

Should I be looking at other brands or simply get the latest Trane unit as a replacement?

I am in Tennessee and while we don't have terrible winters, it regularly gets down into the teens, and it does get quite warm here in the summer...

Any specific recommendations or warnings on specific models to avoid? The unit is situated right outside my MBR window, so quiet would be very nice!

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