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The Best Artisan Bread....ever!

13 years ago

I listened this morning to the Diane Rhem show on NPR, where William Alexander was the featured guest. He spent a year (making a loaf of bread each week) trying to duplicate the best artisan bread he had eaten. And has captured that experience in his book "52 Loaves" (previously, he'd written "The $64 Tomato"). The show was fascinating to listen to, and my mouth watered as they cut into the bread. His recipe can be found on his website

Here's a link to this morning's program, if you're interested in listening--

Diane, at the end of the program, read this wonderful poem which resonated with me, so am sharing with fellow devotees of the art of making food.


By E.J. Mudd

Mix flour, water yeast and salt.

If the phones rings, donÂt answer.

Your fingers are a sticky mess.

Let dough rise in a nice, warm place.

If the phone rings, donÂt answer.

YouÂre creating.

Knead till satiny. Divide into loaves.

If the phone rings, donÂt answer.

YouÂre sculpting.

Bake in hot oven till crisp and brown.

If the phone rings, donÂt answer.

YouÂre in aromatherapy.

Take out and eat a piece at once.

If the phone rings, donÂt answer.

YouÂre in heaven.

Panis Angelicus."

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