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Need help selecting a FL washer/dryer

10 years ago

My Moffat dryer of > 30 years has finally breathed its last breath. It came with the house when I bought it 5 yrs ago (along with a Maytag TL), and I've been fixing them both up for the last few years (water pump, belts, etc), but knowing at some point one would die. Well, my dryer finally packed it in; one of the glides was broken (unknown to me) and strained the motor too much. So the motor is simply unable to spin up the dryer tub any more.

So, I find myself out shopping for a new FL washer/dryer pair. I've been trying to do reading/research, but I find myself drowning in information.

I've read things that Electrolux are the best, others that find that the Samsungs are top-of-the-line, etc. I've even read posts indicating that the Whirlpool Duets are the best.

So how do I choose? I need something with a large capacity (I've got 4 kids that go through a lot of laundry) and efficient cycle times. I would like something with good serviceability (good maintenance record). Right now I use a single cycle on the washer and dryer, so I'm not entirely sure how useful these units with 20+ cycles have value.

And I'm not even sure what a Steam cycle is good for. As far as I can tell, it's nothing more than a gimmick. Is it worth spending extra $$$ on?

Thanks for any advice / suggestions / recommendations anyone can make.


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