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TV Shows/Movies you enjoy with your mate

12 years ago

My bf and I are separated by quite a few states for now (and at least the next few months). Once or twice a week, we watch something together on our respective tv/computers. I know it's a bit odd but we enjoy it even with the limitations because it's one of the things we do together. We especially enjoy catching up on series because the 45-60 min shows are great to slip in before bed or between tasks. Problem is we've been watching Dexter.. but we're caught up now and it's over for the season. Now we're stuck.

We're considering picking up Homeland from the beginning of season 1 also considering Homicide: Life on the Streets. I have been watching Scandal but I am not too sure it's one he'll enjoy. We talked about Madmen but we're both pretty "eh" on it. Some others we've watched and enjoyed have been Detroit 187 (cancelled), Sherlock!, The Killing (he enjoyed watching it to pick it apart lol) and we both LOVED Dexter (all 7 seasons). We are tough critics on network tv shows-- loved West Wing, had no interest in Lost. We both enjoyed 2 seasons of 24 and then lost interest. Our interest in Downton Abbey is minimal (but I wonder if we should give it a try).

We find our tastes intersect best with dramas, clever humor and mystery/suspense. He leans more to "stupid humor" than I do. I am more accepting of B grade shows than he is (for instance, he wouldn't like Scandal, White Collar, Covert Affairs)

Any suggestions? What are you watching?

Comments (36)

  • 12 years ago

    Burn Notice? Monk?

  • 12 years ago

    *Rescue me
    *Buffy the vampire slayer (don't knock it till you have tried it :) )
    *Greys anatomy
    *Dr Who
    *Alias - was amazing up till the last season
    *the killing
    *Supernatural (was great for many years, for some reason I am not so in to it anymore)

    I am sure there are more, but those are the ones we both liked that I can think if right away.

    I am watching West Wing again now and am almost finished. I need to find something else soon!

    I do keep up with Private Practice, NCIS, Law and Order SVU, Parks and Recreation, Criminal MInds, Pretty Little Liars, Hot in Cleveland, and the big bang theory. DH doesnt really like those though.

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  • 12 years ago

    DH and I would do this when we were long distance, so, no, it's not weird at all!

    Homeland is awesome, plus they film it here!

    Boardwalk Empire


    We are just getting caught up on Mad Men through Netflix

    Weeds was so-so.

    We want to start The Wire and Breaking Bad

    If you are really feeling adventurous, we watched all 63 episodes of Six Feet Under (if you like Michael C Hall in Dexter, you will love him in this though very different) and 82 episodes of The Sopranos because neither of us ever watched it. These are not on Netflix download because they are HBO series--we got all the DVD's in the mail, but they are on HBO Go if you have that.

  • 12 years ago

    MI-5 is great. It runs for ten seasons and never disappointed. The first several episodes are hard to get into, very graphic (they got a lot of complaints about one particular early episode and toned it down from then on)
    but by season two the show takes off. Overall, it has changed my way of seeing the world.

  • 12 years ago

    I loved 6' under and he hasn't seen it-- so that's a possibility. We also talked about Boardwalk Empire. I think that may be one to pick up eventually too.

    I've caught some Supernatural on reruns-- just not into it. Never tried Alias. I am lukewarm on many of the others but maybe I'll try an episode or two to give them a fair chance.

    Bees, I love many BBC series and thought we'd both love MI-5. We tried the first one and just didnt get into it. Maybe we need to give it another few tries. I loved Wire in the Blood-- but the first episode (electric chair with spikes) so grossed him out that we had to turn it off. I also loved Prime Suspect, Rebus, Touched by Evil, Caedfel and a variety of mysteries. Maybe he'd like Prime Suspect. I guess I'll have to just keep trying.. but he was so put off by the electric chair with large cone spike that he's hesitant to try any of my other recommends lol!

    Thank you all-- I see a few that we'll try! Oh.. and I do have hulu plus, netflix, amazon prime and comcast on demand. Currently I only have Showtime but am willing to add/switch premium ch.

  • 12 years ago

    Dh and I don't watch that much TV (he less than I do) but over the years, there are a few series that we have enjoyed together. We got totally sucked into the DVD set of The Wire. A friend loaned it to us and we found ourselves not wanting to stop after just one episode - we'd watch two in a row and force ourselves to not watch another so we could get to bed at a decent hour.

    For humor, we loved Entourage, especially Ari even though his language was quite vulgar. Interestingly, dh and I are not much into pop culture/Hollywood, but found this series to be funny to watch. Californication is another one that falls into that same category. If you can handle the sex, recreational drug use and vulgar language, it's decent though dh and I never watched the whole series. We watched both of those back when we had an HBO package but don't anymore.

    A friend of mine watches Homeland and absolutely loves it. I've also heard that Breaking Bad is very good though we haven't seen either.

    Currently, the only show we watch together is Modern Family. Dh goes to bed early and I've been trying to read more so the TV isn't on much at all lately.

  • 12 years ago

    Well, it's definitely a love or hate show, but I love Curb Your Enthusiasm. Better in the early seasons, but I love to hate that guy!

  • 12 years ago

    I've been thru Dexter, and love it. I didn't think I'd like Breaking Bad, but OH.MY.GOSH. It sucked me in from the very first episode. Highly recommended.

    I know a lot of people who like Sons of Anarchy, I haven't watched it yet, tho. My uncle is in charge of the special effects for that show, so I guess I should watch it!'

    For DH and I sitting on the couch together we watch Monk and old episodes of Remington Steele. We're so like little old people!

  • 12 years ago

    I think it might be worth trying again with MI-5 and Wire in the Blood. I don't like a lot of graphic violence, but both these were worth dealing with that to get to the interesting plot lines and the action.

    If you are at all interested in science fiction, Haven from the SyFy channel might be interesting. For silly humor, Warehouse 13 and Eureka. Alphas can be kind of gritty and dark, especially the second season. Then there's always the new Dr. Who and Torchwood. And Firefly.

    Have you tried In Plain Sight? The first season of Person of Interest is out on DVD now, I think.

  • 12 years ago

    DH and I really enjoyed Pushing Daisies and Arrested Development. DD and her BF are currently nuts about Once Upon a Time. It seems they can talk about it for hours!

    I also really liked The Sopranos. DH watched with me just to be nice - like I watch Star Trek with him. Oh! The Tudors is a good one, too. And who doesn't love Monk?


  • 12 years ago

    Ooooh he does like Curb Your Enthusiasm. We've never watched that because like 4kids, we like the shows that suck us in so we will watch multiples (if time allows). I can't take too much CYE at one time-- it's hilarious for some one offs though!

    Camlan, I am glad you suggested giving both MI-5 and Wire in the Blood another chance. I've watched many WIB and I know he'd love the unusual plots and especially the psychological aspects.. he was just SO turned off by that one scene (do you remember it? It is brutal). MI-5 was ok it just didnt suck us in. It's been recommended to each of us repeatedly so it definitely warrants another try.

    Many other great suggestions here. I think we'll pick one to move forward with now and check out some others when he's here in a few weeks (I have the better tv!). We are not put off by much other than the gratuitous violence and very extreme swearing. I hated Deadwood because the language was so over the top and forced. He hated Sopranos for similar reasons. Otherwise, there isnt much we'd have an issue with-- other than just predictable plots and bad programming.

    Gosh, I LOVED Pushing Daisies.. was sorry to see it canceled.

    There's lots to work with here-- thank you all! I am going to print them out and keep them next to the cable box!

    Have to say we are perhaps the only two who don't like Monk. It makes me jittery and anxious-- maybe it's a little too close to his OCD tendencies ;)

  • 12 years ago

    We both enjoy The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, and The Amazing Race. Revenge is our guilty pleasure. We also tend to watch a lot of those true crime shows like 48 Hours and Dateline. We refer to them as "How to Kill Your Spouse Shows". It's always the spouse who did it!

  • 12 years ago

    How about Revenge, season 1 ? DH loved it as much as I did, it's fast paced, over the top, lots of eye candy, people and homes, and it's a crazy plot.

    Homeland was a great one to watch all at once also.

    DH and I buy dvd seasons so we can watch a few at a time for a few evenings.

  • 12 years ago

    Life, Castle or Inspector Lewis...

  • 12 years ago

    We've been watching Homeland this past week, viewing 2 or 3 episodes at a time. My husband bought it for instant viewing from Amazon, and we watch it on the TV through our Roku. We've watched 24 and Damages together in the past. He loves Breaking Bad, but I don't care for it.

  • 12 years ago

    Hmm.. I never heard of Revenge. I call Scandal *my* guilty pleasure and we love crazy, unexpected plots. I'll check it out. Also never heard of Life.

    I never got into Damages.. and never tried Breaking Bad. It just sounded like something I wouldn't like but so many people who share my tastes like it.

    Love to hear about all these new shows that I'd either ignored or never heard of. I rarely watch network tv so I miss a lot.

    I'll tell you, another guilty pleasure are the little mysteries. I dont care how predictable they are-- loved Rosemary & Thyme and Mystery Woman.. and yes, even Murder, She Wrote. I wish Comcast would add Cloo in my market.

  • 12 years ago

    Slightly OT and not trying to hijack but really looking for information -

    Pesky - I've been watching Remington Steele on MeTV and they're not going to show the last 4 episodes. Know where I can find the last ones? Been all over the internet trying to find them. Thanks.

  • 12 years ago

    My DH and I have really different tastes but I really like White Collar and Perception. I liked Common-law but it's been cancelled. Those haven't been mentioned yet. Might be a little lite-weight for you.

  • 12 years ago

    White Collar
    Blue Bloods
    Necessary Roughness

    DH & I also really enjoyed West Wing. I noticed NetFlix recently added all 8 seasons. I'm very tempted to watch it again. The way my memory has been lately it'll be like watching a new show.


  • 12 years ago

    I like those too, Blfenton.. and he'll get a taste of them when he's here (well, at least WC, not sure when the new season of Perception starts). I actually much prefer the series on USA and TNT to the major networks. I watch many of them.

    I think there's a different level of expectation when there is ONE series that we watch together across the miles vs. one we sit down and watch together after dinner. Dexter is very well done IMO-- it's clever, ironic and while the formula is pretty well laid out at this point, it's not formulaic. We'd like something on that level to hold us over until the next season starts... or until he's living here and he watches what I watch ;)

    I should add that he's not really a tv watcher-- he doesnt even have a tv set up so his standards are somewhat different than mine (here I have the tv on all the time whether I am watching or not).

  • 12 years ago

    DH and I love Parenthood. We try to get 'Mom' to bed so we can relax and watch it together. I like 'Curb Your Enthusiasm'. Larry David is a riot. We like Modern Family and News. We are both news junkies.

  • 12 years ago

    Oh, definitely Homeland! That has been a required weekly "date" for DH and I since it began. So sad that this season is over now!

    We also really liked The Killing.

    Many people have recommended The Wire to us, so we're thinking about getting some episodes to watch. My DS, who is a film buff/student/snob and does not watch one bit of TV ever, even says it's great.

  • 12 years ago

    Check out "Shameless" on showtime-think you can watch back seasons on demand until new series starts in mid-January. Language can be rough, but fits the story. We love it. We also watch Homeland, Scandal and Boardwalk Empire. We never missed a 6' Under. On network we watch "The Good Wife" and lots of History channel, documentaries and news type shows.

  • 12 years ago

    We're going to start with Homeland-- it's only 2 seasons so we'll move on to one of the others after that.

    We are also news junkies-- well, he is more than I am-- but we can't watch the news together across time zones and networks. We did watch the presidential debates together. A 2hr movie is a bit more problematic on the phone but since we hadn't selected a new series, we watched The Conversation with Gene Hackman the other night. Excellent movie.

    Thank you all. It can be hard to keep some kind of normalcy when separated by miles/time zones.. we find this helps.

  • 12 years ago

    I didn't realize you all were that far apart Funky. I'm sure watching something together makes you feel closer - in spirit at least!!

    You probably know hubby and I are not tv/movie peeps at all. He does like military, war, etc. type stuff - true not fiction. History Channel. We do sometimes watch Revenge - you have to keep up with it as it's sometimes hard to follow. We like Law & Order shows pretty well. On days I work, I have the morning news/Today on, but there are many days the tv is never turned on.

    Here's a funny - I never watched Lost, but heard so much about it, I thought we might try it. Bought series one about two years ago and I don't think the wrapper is off. LOL


  • 12 years ago

    The Wire
    Breaking Bad
    MI-5 (don't get too attached to any character)
    Luther (also BBC)

    For the more conventional
    Good Wife

  • 12 years ago

    Yeah, Tina.. it's pretty far. He's in Minneapolis. I was able to spend 2-3 weeks a month there in the spring and summer but it's just not possible or practical now. He'll come here in a month or so (very much dependent on when I move.. I don't want him here when I am trying to downsize/pack).

    We arent really TV people either-- though I watch more now than I ever did. He doesn't even have a tv set up anymore! We *are* movie people but the TV series format is so much better for our situation-- we don't have to go through the selection process and a movie is just a little too long. The receiver gets warm on your ear after 1.5 hrs!

    I am excited to start Homeland. The first season isn't on demand but he can access it on comcast online-- and I've downloaded the first season from Amazon Prime (I prefer to watch on TV with the roku).

  • 12 years ago

    I think we're very similar. I'm a complete TV/movie snob, but DH is more forgiving/accepting. And if you're Dexter fans, you're not looking for Touched by an Angel and Matlock, so you have lots of options(!)

    As good network TV goes, Homicide is great. Also Arrested Development. If you're an Aaron Sorkin fan (West Wing), then you might check out Sports Night, a series he died prior to the West Wing. Great cast and writing. A bit sullied by the laugh track, but still good.

    For other dramas, I agree with Six Feet Under, Rescue Me, and consider Deadwood. We've just started watching Breaking Bad and we're hooked. Another one we never watched but are catching up on DVD is Justified (with Timothy Olyphant from Deadwood).

  • 12 years ago

    I LOVED Sports Night! I had completely forgotten about that show. Northern Exposure is another old one we both liked (but we both saw it).

    I have been discounting Rescue Me but I think he'd really like it.. and I havent seen much of it. I am going to have to check out Breaking Bad.

  • 12 years ago

    We have started watching Line of Duty. It is pretty interesting so far.

  • 12 years ago

    DH has no patience for most TV shows. The ones we do watch together are old shows: Monty Python, Twilight Zone.

    We both love old B&W movies. The Thin Man series, comedies like Dinner at Eight, film noir. Some of them are not too long so you might want to look at those for something different.

  • 12 years ago

    Two series that we love are Criminal Minds and X-files.


  • 12 years ago

    We watch...
    Modern Family
    Person of Interest
    The Closer/Major Crimes
    Burn Notice (DH more than I)
    Hawaii Five O
    Arrested Development (on a few yrs ago)
    Blue Bloods (LOVE)

    DH enjoys tv more than I do, but I pretty much like the shows I've mentioned above & will watch those with him.

  • 12 years ago

    Ha! I thoroughly enjoy READING while DH is watching college basketball and NASCAR! And he likes old westerns! True red-neck.

    On the other hand, he loves to watch movies with me. We like a lot of the '80's and '90's movies especially. He loves the American President with Michael Douglas and Annette Bening, Titanic, The Fugitive and Air Force One with Harrison Ford. He jokingly says "If we watch Titanic often enough, Jack will survive." Another favorite is Hoosiers (gotta love those basketball movies).

  • 12 years ago

    The only "big 3" series we watch is Amazing Race (armchair travelers who wish we did more real traveling are we), so can't comment on those, we are more into Showtime and HBO type TV shows with adult content.

    We have, and love, Netflix, all below are available there.

    The Wire (all time fav)

    Boardwalk Empire



    Slings and Arrows (Canadian mini series about a troupe of actors, hilarious and brilliantly acted, featuring the yummy Paul Gross).


    The Riches (sadly cancelled after 2 seasons)

    Big Love

    The Big C

    Flight of the Concords

    The United States of Tara

    Breaking Bad


  • 12 years ago

    Episodes, on Showtime with Matt LeBlanc. Very cleverly written.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Episodes