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Collection calls looking for our neighbors?

14 years ago

I work from home and earlier while trying to meet a deadline, I got a call from some collection agency looking for the son of our neighbor. We don't know them very well, so I honestly didn't realize who the lady was asking for until after we hung up. When I realized what the call was though, I called her back and told her I didn't appreciate getting calls related to our neighbors personal business and questioned if it was even legal. She told me if I don't want the calls to get an unlisted number and that as long as she doesn't disclose the purpose of the call she has the right to call me. When I called the phone company to see about unpublishing the number, the girl said that collection calls to neighbors is becoming more common because of the economy. She said she'd be surprised if we don't get more of them. It's five dollars + tax a month to unlist/unpublish the number which seems ridiculous since they don't really do anything to earn that money and what ever's out there already can't be retracted. I'm a little frustrated. Why should we have to fork out 60+ dollars a year so we won't get these calls? I brought the message to the son. I just told him we received a call from someone looking for him. He didn't seem too interested, took the information I had written down, sort of shrugged his shoulders, went hmmm as he drove off on his mower.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Maybe it's time to just loose the land line instead of spending 60 buck we'll save about 800/yr hmmmm

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