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spring cleaning/decluttering/decorating project this week?

Well, I am finally ready to get back at it and try to make some headway. I have 'maintained' what I have decluttered/cleaned so far and am ready to go forward with something else.

BTW, the desk is still perfectly clean and I still have not figured out the new camera/uploading pics to the computer yet, so that will have to wait a bit yet.

The first project for the week is to get more shelving in the spare bedroom closet and some more 'stuff' organized in there.

Then clean the room, window, blinds, and lastly finally hang some curtains. That room will then be 'done' for now.

Next will be the utility room/hall which has not been thoroughly cleaned in about 2 years. There is a lot of stuff/clutter to deal with in there. It also needs painted, but that will have to wait until after some others areas are painted.

So, what is at the top of your list of things to get accomplished today, this week, or the near future.

Sue...chugging away needing some encouragement

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