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Purses and tutus and banana cake...

12 years ago

Yes, I'm back to the birthday cake baking, LOL. Elery's granddaughter, Jillian, turned two. There's nothing in this world that she likes better than purses, unless it's bacon. We went to visit a short time ago and she was walking around the house with a purse full of bacon, she'd sit down and eat a piece, then wander away, sit down and eat another piece. (grin) The girl's starting off right!

Since I couldn't figure out how to bake a bacon cake, I decided to bake a purse cake. I used the banana cake recipe from Rose Levy Berenbaum, jgarner posted it here several years ago and it's still the only way I'll eat a banana.

I baked two 9 inch rounds, cut them in half, stacked them on the cut side. Levelled off the tops a little and gave it a crumb coat. I covered the whole thing with fondant, added fondant trim and a fondant "J", and made beads of fondant strung on jewelry wire for the handles. Voila! It's a purse...

I was amazed at how easy it was, although I should have gotten thicker wire for the handles. The birthday girl loved it.

She also loved the tutu that Ashley made her, but she wouldn't model it. Her big sister Jamison was too bashful to model it either, but her American Girl doll modelled hers. Yup, Ashley made 'em for the dolls too, LOL.

Her mother told me that the kids all wanted cake for breakfast the next day and tried to convince her that it was OK, because it was fruit. Yeah. I don't think it worked.


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