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Tigressa Carpet vs Smart Strand

12 years ago

I apologize if my message posts twice. I thought I had already posted but do not see it anywhere.

We are in the market for new carpet for our home. I have received a quote for Tigressa carpet by Shaw. Does anyone have opinions on this carpet? It is a nylon carpet (according to their website). I'm a bit confused as the rep said it is an R2X fiber but I thought R2X was something that went on the fiber to make it stain resistant.

The other carpet we are looking at is Smart Strand, which seems to get great reviews here. I have not received an official quote for it yet but believe it is likely to be a bit more expensive.

I would love any comments on Tigressa vs Smart Strand or either of these 2 carpets in general. It has been very tough to find good information on any carpets at all!


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