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Kids with Learning Disabilities - A discussion

18 years ago

On another post there is a discussion about a child with a LD. My child has some issues, has an IEP and we are doing further private testing to try to understand his LD. We are in an excellent school system but are also very lucky to have the resources to uncover all we can about his problems.

Here are some question. Why do we have some many kids with issues? I don't remember anything like this when I was a kid. Granted, in any classroom you had the genius kid(s), the average kids and some kids that weren't good students.

It seems that now everyone expects their child to be a genius, at least in my very competitive area in the boston burbs.

So, it it just that our perceptions have changed or do we have environmental factors that are affecting our kids? Any theories?

Why are doctors/parents/teachers so quick to medicate some of these kids?

What other non-drug methods have you heard of or tried?

Please add your experiences, thoughts or more questions.

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